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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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File: 1718428886735.jpeg (17.94 KB, 415x739, skibidihuahua.jpeg)


how can we bring more traffic to leftypol? does it work to literally spam links to here on other imageboards?

and would it be desirable to bring more traffic


>does it work to literally spam links to here on other imageboards?
Judging by the spam we get, no it doesn't.
It would be desirable if the traffic (people, users) are of high quality. If the are low quality users, it would be undesirable.


the idea that users are inherently "high quality" or "low quality" is deeply reactionary. "low quality users" is always, everywhere, a site administration problem.


File: 1718435217964.png (256.83 KB, 1302x1550, grace smile flip.png)

More OC of Grace.
This'll attract people to leftypol.


your posting is distasteful and if i ran this website i'd shadowban you and your sycophants


File: 1718435592511.png (241.04 KB, 1000x1000, 3 grace.png)

Too bad you can't shadowban me.
It looks like Grace is here to stay.


stay if you like, i've no intention of hanging around more than a week or two longer and the long term trajectory of this place is slowly but surely downhill.


what they all say


More alunya pics on fedi and artsy places like tumblr and itaku.

We already benifit from the boom of Xenia art because people who look her up see this pic.


We need an add campaign, sell merchandise, make collaboration with youtubers and other social media content creators. We need a independent newspaper, refresh the leftypedia encyclopedia, create some plushies of catalunya and other leftypol trademark products. Make collaborations for the creation of a open source software to link all external websites close to leftypol in a single space. Create regular content, begin having a business model for leftypol so we can assign who will make what. I propose to be promoted as official manager, part of the board of directors, and own 80% of all rights and profits any endeavor /leftypol/ tm and associates make. In short, we should create a petition so that everyone can insert money right into my uretus.


Oh sure, but take a look around


go fuck yourself, porkie


File: 1718646121415.jpg (188.73 KB, 1280x1556, 12213.jpg)

We should combine these two strategies!


Slightly improved spin on this idea: memeworthy art of Alunya that people are more likely to edit and spread.


Mods need to stop acting like retards and deleting posts they dont like. If an outsider comes here with "wrong" opinion (or even just harmless shitpost), banning them is not going to help convert anyone.


What did you do, anon


Me? Nothing. I just keep seeing a threads being saged, post disappearing, on /siberia/ of all places, its a fucking shitposting board. I just want to have a place to post and see other peoples posts without having some cunt looking over my shoulder deciding what I can and cant see.


A freeze peach site we are not


/siberia/ is a chill hangout / the primary board for serious political discussion at this point since /leftypol/ regulars have the attention span of a grasshopper from years indulging in news and debate addictions.


All the more reason to not ruin it by arbitrary overmoderation.


And they just deleted the funniest thread I have seen on this site this entire year. Of course.


Remember to save the threads you like. You can just Save As… in Firefox.


Doesn't every browser do that?


No idea what you are talking about but I agree 100%
They really fell off

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