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Jannies please tell me you're not gonna allow /usapol/ threads here now that with their election approaching. I g-get this place is supposed to be a shithole and it'd be consistent, but…


Wordfilter Suggestions:
Trump > Biden
Biden > Trump

This way noobs trying to dickride one or the other get confused and angry like how the uyghur filter works.


I suggest 'the pedo Bidump'


Biden > Sleepy Joe
Trump > Convicted Felon


Just to clarify that this thread was originally made on /siberia/ and that's what "here" refers to.

t. OP


Not a mod

/meta/ is about discussions about the website /leftypol/ in general, and referred to the "Jannies" in particular. That means is a /meta/ discussion, not a /siberia/ one.



Trump -> P01135809


Maybe Hexbear would find this funny.

Unique IPs: 6

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