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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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There is this one chubby femboy that spams pictures of himself. He showed up in stonerchan not too long ago and flooded the website with pics and gifs of himself too.

Please IP perma-ban that fuck, hell RANGE ban that creature, it's way too annoying.

Poor guy is locked up in mental institution, have some solidarity.

Well, i wonder if anyone ever told him to stop posting himself and just be a well-behaving anon.

Speaking of spammers in /siberia/, is anybody going to do anything about the MAGA spammer that thinks this is Biden Central? He's moved to /leftypol/ as well. He's gone from somewhat amusing to cencerous.

Kind of feel /siberia/ brought this on itself when the gooners on there lavished that wacko with praise and lust.

If that's true, refer them to /GET/, unironically.

its a leftychan guy, we get him as he pops up but they are nothing if not dedicated in their severe mental illness.

He hasnt posted anything in couple days, I really hope the bastard mods havent banned him.

Can we start temp-banning people who respond to commiecat spammer?

I have posted in the past few weeks and days, but not as much because the debate created a huge MAGA wave on this website. They've banned me many times.

Can we start temp-banning people who reply to this guy as well

They probably have…. or he's had his phone taken off him

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