So you removed my thread because I challenged your dogma?
you really can't argue in good faith can you?
what a shame.
>>34131we were having an argument on whether the basis of reality is mind or matter.
they equate matter with rationality and atheism
and mind with woo, ghosts and irrationality
>>34140then you misunderstood me, the wavelength is it's own thing, it exists. im talking about the experience not the information. the input may or may not correspond, but regardless notice how inside your experience there is no logical way to discern between different states of qualia.
again how does green follow from blue? and how would you describe blue and green and "ouch" independently from a mind? in a language? where is the feeling of ouch out there?
>>34133>we were having an argument on whether the basis of reality is mind or matter.It is some third thing we don't have tools to observe. It's ludicrous to assume it'd be something we've already discovered like matter or mind.
the mind is matter because it can act on things. The mind is a metamaterial composed of known and possibly unknown substances. Unique IPs: 14