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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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So you removed my thread because I challenged your dogma?
you really can't argue in good faith can you?
what a shame.

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What are you yapping about?

>they dared to mock the briton wisewoman
i hope for their sake they do not wander into the woods alone

we were having an argument on whether the basis of reality is mind or matter.
they equate matter with rationality and atheism
and mind with woo, ghosts and irrationality

i dont remember you paying homage to be in my mind. shoo spook.

dogma balls

okay..? when did that happen?

like five minutes ago

>they deleted the spirituality thread

green follows after blue because it corresponds to a definite wavelength of light adjacent to the wavelength we perceive as blue. your perception of that wavelength as red because your eyes lack the cones to distinguish it from red or your brain can't receive the chemical signals from those opsins to interpret it as such does not change the existence of that wavelength

because unfortunately, sisters here are a bit dogmatic and don't like having their dogma questioned :(

What tha dog doin

then you misunderstood me, the wavelength is it's own thing, it exists. im talking about the experience not the information. the input may or may not correspond, but regardless notice how inside your experience there is no logical way to discern between different states of qualia.
again how does green follow from blue? and how would you describe blue and green and "ouch" independently from a mind? in a language? where is the feeling of ouch out there?

we're all friends here, relax anon.


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kek the headturn

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What do you believe it is?

>day 2 and still no valid counter argument
Well leftypol?

>we were having an argument on whether the basis of reality is mind or matter.
It is some third thing we don't have tools to observe. It's ludicrous to assume it'd be something we've already discovered like matter or mind.

Besides, the mind is matter because it can act on things. The mind is a metamaterial composed of known and possibly unknown substances.

I'm so tired of supernatural sophistry honestly.
"Acknowledge my argument" how about you just kill yourself? Enjoy your afterlife.

You are weak. Your bloodline is weak. You don't deserve life. Your biomass should be made useful.

You've demonstrated your inability to reason and therefore your biomass will be better repurposed for efficiency.

mind and matter are all there is, one is the basis.

Expecting leftypol to engage in good faith debate and revaluation of dogmas is expecting a lot for what is essentially a den of basement dwelling left wing /pol/tards who's sexual fixation is Lenin (or BaKKKunin) instead of Hitler.

Remember you are wrong OP because what you say is idealist juju and that idealism is wrong because it is idealism and idealism is bourgeois fascism which makes you an ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALIST. Materialism is correct because Karl Marx said so and I know its true because it just is. Also you are a lib kys <- average leftypol response

Well, the point of the discussion is metaphysics, not politics. I'm sure there are idealist communists, but regardless im uninterested in talking about communism or Karl Marx for the purpose of this thread. just a disclaimer for anyone misinterpreting this as an attack on communism or marxism.

Right but now metaphysics and epistemology are politics and leftypol thinks one or another position is correct not on logical or argumentative grounds but because it aligns with their tribal political identity. People here are worse than dogmatic. They are ignorant.

Hey mods let this retard make his retarded thread on the weekend so I can demolish his absurd nonsense

If it can effect whatever's above it, I suppose it'd count as matter, I'll drink to that.

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