Why the fuck is this /r/politics-tier pro-DNC propaganda allowed to stay up in /USAPol/, when shilling like this anywhere else here would lead to deletion/banning? Shit, why not just close it down and turn it into a subreddit where they can jerk themselves off witbh their fellow shitlibs at how le hecking Kokonut Kop will lead big chungus USA and NATO and free Hong Kong, the Uighurs and the Ukraine from le Evil Ruzzians and ChiNatzees.
>>34269bruh we have literal Nazi propagandists on here, a few libs shitposting is fine
if we suddenly want to enforce ideological purity there's definitely far better targets
>>34275I'm not a terminally online weirdo so I just keep on posting instead of saving logs or whatever.
>>34274>if we suddenly want to enforce ideological purity there's definitely far better targetsLess moderation would be better, actually. Can't expect people with so much free time they'd willingly moderate an imageboard not to have a middle-class background.