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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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Why are there THREE /USApol/ threads on /leftypol/? Shouldn't there just be one active one? And why are they all "(full)" what the hell?

We have decided to remove cycling and generalization and see how that works out. The old ones will just bump off the board. You can make your own USA topic if you want!

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>We have decided to remove cycling and generalization and see how that works out.
<board unsurprisingly becomes an incoherent mess
Pls stop being retarded.

seems like people aren't making it to the new threads and its just killing discussion. i use threadwatcher and rarely visit the catalog so when people don't post the new thread in the old thread it just looks like no one is talking then you realize theres already 300+ replies in the new thread a day later. it also bumps slower threads off the board.

Unique IPs: 4

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