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Its on siberia again

what is that?

Dont open siberia

CSAM is child abuse

use the report button


Terrifying shit on Siberia rn

uygha i'm not hovering my mouse anywhere near that shit

It's already in your cache, you can report it and then clear your cache.

Once more

File: 1733575573253.jpeg (36.34 KB, 350x490, JmqFvg7.jpeg)

ok got it for now, thanks

this. even by loading the page its already on your computer. Just report and clear browser cache

the feds aren't gonna care that you have the thumbnail in your browser cache, but yeah you can just delete your cache for the last hour or whatever. Just keep in mind if you go back to the same page that had the thumbnail (index, thread, or catalog), your browser will just save it to the cache again. So you're better off waiting for the mods to delete it before you clear the cache.

File: 1733988508928.jpg (257.22 KB, 1200x963, 1461756498833.jpg)

it's in the LGBT thread on siberia. I reported it a while ago but it's still there.

hoooly the feds actually got the admins / mods
abandon ship

hello where are the proofs

"CSAM" is a stupid right-wing misnomer, the correct term is "CP".

CSAM is the correct definition about the material in question, sorry if you prefer CP.

File: 1734393847567.png (63.76 KB, 302x261, suicide_squidward.png)


it's back, I recommend banning the IPs.


which thread and board?

Where? The last 200 posts are clean

Yeah it's gone now, was in >>>/siberia/601280
Whoever that OP is is suss as fuck, was spamming board with incel screeds and then just happens to have CP posted in one of his threads


It's back again…

some uygha claimed Agent Kochinski was communist then cp happened, lmao.
now ban that shit mods.

piss piss piss help it happened again get rid of it ew ew ew ew its been up 50 mins…

it's back again

It's still there


There's been more cp on this site than any other chan I've ever been to

rightoids like to throw cp at things they don't like in hoping of shutting them down.
anyway, mods, there is cp again.

>>37066 >>37069 >>37168 >>37347 >>37529 >>37704 >>37714 >>37746 >>37748 >>37749 >>37750 >>37756
Some people (e. g. me) always check this thread to know which threads to avoid atm, so please always say which thread it is.

you mean the CIA?

Some bot is spamming links on threads in siberia

Reported the replies a bunch of times cause unsure of what it is but its easy to assume its another csam spam bot



use report button. where?

Mods removed it

it happened again

where? report

wherever it was it must have been gotten, theres nothign the past 2 hours

mods get your asses out of bed, its on the vocaloid thread in siberia

its on the miku thread now

It's back on siberia again. Please get rid of it.

There's a /pol/yp in /usapol/ trying to false flag as a pedo-apologist anarchist

theres a fucking poltard gore thread on the main board
wake up

it's back on siberia

it's on the futa general >>>/siberia/572760
pls remove it and permaban ip pls

Where? I don't see any. It's drawings and not even realistic ones at that. You have the autistic liberal mental disease.

it got deleted, it was one post above the 5 glownonymous sages(it wasn't a drawing)

its on siberia as per usual

We need to start doing mandatory username registry or an alphanumeric tag system

or ban the ips the spammer is using until it has none left.

or/and for vpn posting/newfag posting make images not visible for everyone until it has been approved by a mod. have a png with alunya and a text written "image pending approval" for images that users can't yet see. at least it would fix the image problem.

The spammers seem to be using some kind of weird characters in the body of the posts as a way to skirt filters. Maybe there could be an autoflag for those atypical characters since nobody else posts with those?

what if you add captcha for vpn users? the spammer appears to be a timed script rather than a human

This is a good idea actually

>or ban the ips the spammer is using until it has none left.
nearly every VPN has been perma'd from this site already, anon

That bot has been posting here too? It's on a ton of imageboards. Sushi-chan already solved this with a filter that checks where the URL shortener destination goes.

Sushi-chan solved. Plus4 solved it. Erischan solved it. Even Nukechan and Leftychin solved it years ago. And as far as I know, all used a different approach. It's not a hard problem.

can you share the source code of their solutions pls?

It's on siberia again again

on siberia once again :/ please do something about this mods it really can't be so hard


it's up again.

it's better to just do a lazy solution like banning all vpns then no solution at all tbh

even 4chan can't stop vpn spam what makes you think /leftypol/ can? the admins just need to be on 24/7 instead of sleeping.

4chan doesn't have this spam problem

>even 4chan can't stop vpn spam

Fine, I'll rephrase. Technically they can ban VPN datacenter IPs and TOR exit nodes which I think /leftypol/ already mostly does, but it's impossible to detect if a post came from a residential proxy, which is what 4chan has been struggling against as of late resulting in wide sweeping changes that significantly degrade user experience (15m timer, hCAPTCHA & Cloudflare captcha, browser/user agent based trust, etc). CSAM does get posted on 4chan at a similar rate, but jannies there are on the ball much quicker. So I'm saying the only effective solution is quicker reaction times.

cloudflare should already block any CSAM that matches its fuzzy hash database

another one is up in siberia

Unique IPs: 55

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