>Incel posts are banned site wide (i.e. incel talking points and making 9999 threads complaining about women, saying all women are bourgeoise/sluts/etc.) - per modocracy vote passed on 2025-01-02
This is way too vague.
For instance is stating that the state of dating under capitalism is fucked (which it is) an incel talking point? How about lamenting the difficulty of being a guy on dating apps? Is criticism of feminism still allowed (something which has always been present on /leftypol/)?
I'm concerned this motion was passed on vibes alone and will be applied inconsistently and arbitrarily depending on what individual mods consider an incel to be and the views they imagine them to have. The word 'incel' is essentially meaningless at this point (so often used as a liberal slur akin to the likes of "tankie") that you need to give a specific definition of your interpretation of the word. When half of the site meet the basic criteria of being an incel - that is being a sexually inactive male who wants to have sex with a woman but struggles to do so - the details really do start to matter.