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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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File: 1735845468935.png (216.73 KB, 547x320, 420chan xavier.png)


list of servers please
>leftypol is mean
>rottingangels are slow and meaner
>stonerchan was scammers
all 3 sites can go die for making fun of someone who has problems with addiction…
we miss 420chan

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quit banning me guys im just pointing to a place 420chan feels safe and welcome, no place safer than discord, enjoy your 7 hour passed out too much to delete all the cp all the time rads you hack fuck

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anyway we having fun in the discord with 21 people so far :)

bump for 420chan

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bump for 420chan

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i miss 420chan

>4chan on fox news

420chan's theme song

My post is on there take it down or ill fucking sue you retard
Reminder Chodea fucks dogs and threatens people by raping their dogs

i was on meth and not in my right mind. wanna come back, nicehiss? aka nicepiss the sensitive babyfat.mp3 you are

Oh so you were on meth?
I thought you were insisting you were clean
The problem is you don't know when to stop guy
And threatening to rape peoples dogs and strangle people aren't okay in any state of mind
But I guess you'll start blaming it on muh mental illness next

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yes yes, rhoda was retarded on meth when he was acting like that and he regrets it. nicehiss aka nicepiss = this poster im responding to and they're bnutthurt about getting banned

rhoda blames himself and the meth. you watch your fuckin mouth. respect him and he owned up to it. who the fuck are you anyway?

Chodea give it up I know it's you only your retarded ass spams the same image/message 4-6 times

Stop talking about yourself in the third person retard I know it's you

okay nicehiss fuck offf my thread

>sonic fan
makes sense you can't fuck off with your autism


he is also a troll, I have no idea why he isn't banned yet or he is ban evading on both sites like he said on >>38528

hey im done trollin.

how about you come in and join us

more like CLOWNonymous




Yes it's Nice Piss and I'll just say
I'm sorry I said stuff at you in anger and called you names
I don't wanna fight and be bitter and I don't wanna join your server or anything I just wanna apologize for saying stuff and name calling
I don't wanna cause conflict where there wasn't any and I was wrong to act that way to be in a beef that wasn't mine

you can join if you're not gonna be a dickhead again.,..

unbanned from the discord

alright nicehiss…. be nice this time… Hidden; Use copy button

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im still sitting on your lap, nicehiss

I might join soon idk I got real big back into runescape and don't use discord much but I guess I wanna follow up and just want you let you know I still did mean all that stuff it wasn't a ruse or anything

>back into runescape
stay there and never come back here.

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hey! don't be mean to nicehiss. we both play runescape. so what bitch-ass world of SNOREcraft player?

i'll play with you sometime if you feel like it.

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