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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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We are thinking of buying ads on 4chan for leftypol.org

>Positions/Dimensions: 728x90 Leaderboard in both header and footer positions in desktop view, 300x250 Medium Rectangle in both header and footer positions in mobile view)


We need ads in both the formats and we're crowdsourcing it to you.

Also, theres a chance the ad buy may not be accepted by rapeape or whoever runs the site

Based. Any idea what you want?

I was thinking of something along the lines of "sick of your job? maybe you're just sick of capitalism!"

or something along those lines

probably put porky in there and the crying mcdonalds wagecuck wojak

gimme a sec

Sounds like a great way to invite light raids and lower post quality even further, we should print /leftypol/ toilet paper ads next and replace toilet paper in public bathrooms with it next!

We are looking for input from the Users on the board to give ideas on how approach this as we want to make inventive to advertise on 4chan.

Any creative idea is a go and we will pick which ones we find the best from the Community for our ads. I feel that it would be good for all on leftypol to come together like olds and create new OCs even if it is for ad space. WE can use them banners in the future.

What do they charge for ads? Anyway I've done some banners on here, maybe inspiration strikes again

sounds like a waste of limited money just to invite a bunch of literal feds and schizo reactionaries who will spam CSAM and disgusting racist soyjak scribbles. there's going to the masses and then there's going to the asses AKA "casting your pearls before swine who will trample them"


We don't know the exact numbers but it used to be around ~$0.25 USD CPM i.e. 25 cents for 1000 views.

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Picrel an image with the correct dimensions so you can copy and paste into your preferred image editor.

Here's some quality images from lefty.pictures you can use for logos

While the trolling aspect would be funny it
1) is idiotic to spend money on that
2) is stupid to give money to 4chan
3) would only attract people dumb enough to not use an ad blocker
4) or chvds who are already plentiful here

of all places we really want to advertise it on 4chan?

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>trump and Elon laughing at them

what other place should we advertise on instead

>noooo don't advertise on the place everyone from leftypol originally came from your so hot haha

File: 1736013459741.png (322.48 KB, 576x566, oie_SetTv1sAck5S.png)

Fucked it up, pretend you didn't see that

Five seconds in MS paint, maybe use the meme text outline or something more snappy

no idea, but definitely not 4chan

This is starting to sound like that do11ars stunt with Foreign Post

>leftypol originally came from
Sorry chvddy but /lit/ sisters use ad blockers

Some points to consider:
1. A lot of people like Alunya as a character, whether they know of /leftypol/ or not. It's good marketing to include her in the ad. Especially if you can include other familiar characters, like 4chan mascots.
2. Historically /leftypol/ has received a lot of traffic from people who are fed up with /pol/ injecting politics into shit. False-flagging as /pol/ users and saying things like "fuck off to /leftypol/ if you don't like it" has been an effective strategy on 8chan and variants. This might be a good basis for a marketing slogan.
3. In conjunction with the marketing campaign, the admins/mods/techies should consider how to make the site more welcoming to outsiders. Marketing is not just an exercise in graphic design and ads. It's also about how you design the "product" you're selling, especially in cases where "customer retention" is important. This tends to be about as important as the ad campaigns, but I'm putting it lower because it warrants a separate thread (probably on /meta/).
4. An ad campaign shouldn't be too static. As it unfolds you should consider adapting to how the "meta" changes. For instance, if you see more users here, put up ads that reference the growth and/or "exodus" from 4chan.

>>38711 (me)
Foreign Policy*

>what other place should we advertise on instead
twitter would be funny
I think you can also buy generic ads through google that can show up anywhere that uses their ad services, which might also be a good idea since it would bring in people from the wider internet and mix things up a little more than just 4chan burnouts. Just make sure the ads are clear about the politics so you filter for more left wing people.

Number 3 is especially salient.

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>300x250 Medium Rectangle in both header and footer positions in mobile view)

Laughed, but people who use 4chan don't pay rent - doubly so those on /pol/

the whole point is to single out users who are proles from that sewage dump

Maybe just go with something antagonistic like *ahem* MY IDEA >>38709

this is probably a better idea

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Something like this?
/pol/tards heard the "it's capitalism" argument already and they are not persuaded, usually because they find left-wingers insufferable.

we definitely need more /pol/aks shitting up the board

Wasn't /leftypol/ just revleft on /pol/ for a week before moving to 8chan.

Recommend this oldie but goodie to advertise on /v/

lolz, what I was thinking

<noo we'll attract chuds
yeah we should just advertise to people that already have perfect beliefs and don't need education and will only make high quality posts

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Money to 4chan is money to fascism

While I do understand the will to reach out and have more people being exposed to a socialist perspective on things, I think it would be good to lead here people more knowledgeable than us about theory to generaly improve the current users knoweldge and general effectiveness.
Though I'm not sure if such people would have the patience to deal with shitposters.

Also is the goal is to stay between people familiar of the imageboard format or do we want people with a different use of the Internet?
Perhaps advertising on Tik Tok would be a good thing then?

Do it but don't make lame ones they have to shit on poltards and annoy people that see them.

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>>38729 is probably right. While the /pol/ base is large, they are not growing at this point, as can be seen from 4chan statistics. It's getting less and less likely that a /pol/ user would consider socialism at all over time since only the most diehard ones remain. TikTok people are nice but stuck in that prison app, maybe they would appreciate a new format.

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how about this one

Pol still allows Us to live rent free in their heads and its the funniest shit.

the xi one is really good

>Perhaps advertising on Tik Tok would be a good thing then?

Yeah actually

Well I am not against that either could be useful to get those people on to here some how. Might need to get some more drawfriends.

yippie fill the board with idiots spamming us with more csam and bigotry

the problem is that 4chan's "style" is largely incompatible with this site's moderation

I found leftypol from YouTubers like muke and batko back in the day, I figure advertising on tiktok isn't much different aside from the fact that those kids are probably slightly more open to our message than the average YouTube user was back then

I think mods need to settle on a unified policy on right wingers before even thinking about putting ads on 4chan. Because what good is it if 90% of people coming from those ads are going to get banned? 4chan is largely racist and anti lgbt, has lots of edgy race humor, huge amounts of soyjak and pepe posting, and so on. You'll have an influx of posters used to that and unfamiliar with the rules and mod policies of this site.

We do have an official TikTok account too, but it's not very active. Is there any way we can contribute content to it? I feel like that alongside actual ads would be beneficial.

tiktok socdems are a way better target then 4chan grandpas, change my mind

If you're gonna appeal to 4chan and in particular /pol/, here's a couple points of appeal:
<Musk/Trump "betraying" the MAGA base and us knowing/explaining why
<Luigi Mangione being condemned by all the right wing propagandists (use this to drive a wedge against them, maybe not even advertising this site)

sounds like a big waste of money in my opinion. 4chan already knows about leftypol. it seems more likely to bring trolls and spammers

Cool. This was my idea in the first place. I told you google ads would be a waste of money.

Questions: Can we choose the boards the ads appear on? If so, which boards? I think the gay ones obviously, /lit/. Pol already advertises this board a lot and might inspire too many trolls. The tech boards. I don't really know that much about 4chan.


i agree twitter and tiktok are better places to prioritize ads. im not against advertising on 4chins by any means but i think the goal should be more to attract already left/commie sympathetic people who dislike contemporary social medias format/obnoxious debate addict culture. plenty of those on twitter at least and idk anything about tiktok but its huge and worth promoting on there

what about youtube?

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Picrel could be a good starting point.

Aside from the obvious and ridiculous elephant in the room for advertising (money), the problem is the chan culture divide; if you are habitually used to posting on 4chan you are more likely to engage with other imageboards.

This speaks to the demographic divide as well. It is far more propitious to spend say $100 on a brief 4chan click campaign in order to drive interaction than it is promoting the site to some Book Tok-er who reads Dostoyevsky and has anxiety attacks when they see the word retard.

good points

>give money to 4chan in order to make the userbase od the site worse
fucking retard idea

honestly, I've already all but stopped coming here because the quality of threads has nosedived, I was expecting it to be more reading groups and breakdowns of theory for laypeople, but the majority of discussion happening now is forced meme shit like "maga communism" or "campism" that is completely meaningless outside of this website
pulling in an influx of the type of person dumb enough to be on 4chan without an ad blocker will not result in a net increase in activity on this site, it'll just finalize the exodus of people who are already exhausted with the low quality of posts here

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Pretty low effort but I tried.
I've bought 4chan ads before and they never reject them since it's entirely automated.

It's like $20 to run an ad for an entire day. No money wasted really.

Also if the mods are curious last image is the CPM you can expect from a footer ad on boards with long-running generals like /vg/ and /vt/.

This site is in a weird zone that's kind of in between those users. We are somewhat in uncharted territory here. What might be a good idea is to experiment with smaller ad buys in multiple places and see if we get better results per dollar from one option over another.

Idiotic for all the reasons stated ITT.
You got my hopes off with the feedback thread, and now thoroughly dashed them.
Guess the average poster here really is astoundingly stupid.

Some Questions.

1. What makes you think that 4chan is going to let a competing image board advertise on their website?

2. Can you select the boards that the ads appear on? Don't advertise on /pol/. They'll find out even if you don't advertise on there through word of mouth (or shitpost, lol) alone.

3. Do you have a plan in place to handle the inevitable counter raids? Like, back ups of the site content in case raiding 4channers bump it all off the boards? Lets face it, this is a bit of a raid in nature even if it isn't in intent. Or at the very least, that's how 4chan chuds will perceive of it.

4. If my memory serves correctly. CPUSA anon has a background in advertising. I think that y'all should try and work closely with him.

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>1. What makes you think that 4chan is going to let a competing image board advertise on their website?
They don't really care. I've seen ads for altchans, it's fine. This is their guidelines.

>2. Can you select the boards that the ads appear on? Don't advertise on /pol/. They'll find out even if you don't advertise on there through word of mouth (or shitpost, lol) alone.

You can select the boards and the price varies. You should definitely always advertise on /pol/ though. They won't bother "harassing" you or whatever but it gets way waaaay more clicks because /pol/ posters are the only people who click ads.

>They won't bother "harassing" you
Are 4channers really this passive these days? Back in my day, we would have raided a site that we didn't like to hell and back for trying to advertise on 4chan. Granted, I only use 4chan for /vg/ generals and wallpapes now. Maybe chan culture really has fallen this much.

Holy shit comrades learn what a 'target audience' is. Some of these suggestions like >>38750 and >>38722 [3] are esoteric that no-one will ever click it.

At least >>38717 , >>38725 and >>38732 are solid and actually have an appeal. >>38755 is also solid.

Other boards are worth considering. Things have probably changed, but some boards were notoriously left wing.

lol should probably try /lit/ and /his/ first :^)

* Also, @cyberbarb
How about you explain:
1) where did this decision come from?
2) what is the intended goal and the expectation?
Because I've never heard of this being suggested before and as you can see, there's already pushback.

>should probably try /lit/ and /his/ first :^)

>Maybe chan culture really has fallen this much.
Yes. If /pol/ is mad, you'll get like one or two gore spammers and some soy kids, and that's about it.
Possibly more now, because the site has more petty babies who don't know how to handle a raid and will just feed the trolls.

4chan lost its culture of being internet activists like 15 years ago. Nowadays /pol/ is just a place for various foreign intelligence agencies spreading propaganda. They won't go after anyone, their singular goal is getting big numbers on their psyop threads so Elon will pay them.

/lgbt/ or /r9k/ could be interesting since a lot of the people on those boards are like, nominally left-wing and looking for somewhere to hang out with other leftists without getting called a slur.

Ok, this may be a good target for testing out some recruiting tactics. I think we should try and revitalize the existing userbase first though, so that we can handle an influx of Newgenes.

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Minimalism is not dead.

/mu/ used to be left-leaning like pre-2016, idk how it is now though. Could be another possible contender.

when the poljak meme got popular /pol/ was so mad that they raided us for days. by far the hardest they've ever tried. but that was more of the exception than the rule.

/lgbt/ and /r9k/ are good calls

these look really good, /pol/ would be offended

That logo on the right is very blurry, can you redo that?

>on /pol/
>without adblock
>clicks ads
you’re recruiting 60 year old facebook magapede republicans

I have one more idea: what if we make something on the H1B controversy?

You'd be surprised how many zoomers don't know what an adblocker is. Though I think your primary target audience are oldfags who use 4chanx and don't bother blocking ads because the banners are funny. Oldfags tend to be more left-leaning than newfags.

you forget that most of 4chan is phone posters now. and i'm willing to bet many of them are on chrome so no adblock

Most mobile users don't use adblockers unless it's a Brave browser with built in functionality

If you use chrome or firefox on mobile you are way more likely to see an ad, and you literally just put up with it

Mobile posters are also more likely to click ads just because the touchscreen misclicks while scrolling.
On that note though, it'd probably help to improve the landing page in some way so people accidentally clicking might be enticed to stick around.

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Yeah, /mu/ and /co/ were the big two at the time. /co/ had a real crossover with Tumblr, despite the rivalry of the two sites over anti-sjw raiding. For crying out loud, their demonym isn't /co/mrade for nothing.
One example: picrel is a /coc/ original character who is (in part) a mockery of 1950s red scare propaganda in comics.

Yeah that's right, /co/ was too. I was more of a /mu/ user back then but I remember the two boards getting along well.

>Possibly more now, because the site has more petty babies who don't know how to handle a raid and will just feed the trolls.
Imo it's the job of those of us who do know how to handle a raid to teach the newgenes who will likely lose their shit. We ought to make a thread and some OC on how to respond.

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Boards like /fa/, /lit/ and /mu/ attracted a different demographic than the rest of 4chan. They were hipster art school kids instead of weird nerds.

I think the closest thing on the modern internet is the Red Scare podcast subreddit.

Those of us who haven't been on 4chan in a while should pick 2-3 boards to lurk in to judge their suitability for this campaign. So far we have /co/, /mu/, /fa/, /lgbt/, /v/ and /r9k/ to look at. Any others?

/trash/ :^)

Since we're talkin about hobby boards, felt like reposting this.

/x/ has some leftists who think everything is a CIA psyop. board is a shell of its former self though.

/mu/ is filled with K-Pop, some metal and some older music, but K-Pop general threads are usually the only ones reaching more than 100 replies and most of the messages seem to be from there

that pic is what posting ads on 4chan would invite

Only if you're going to be more lenient on people trying to educate others instead of banning anything that doesn't adhere to social democracy/third-worldism/etc.

Nah, you're clearly out of touch. 4chan hasn't been the Internet Hate Machine for a long time anon.

It's wild a decade ago how /fa/ used to be people actually into clothing and were into a bunch of designers years before they went mainstream and now it's a barren wasteland filled with just balding /pol/tards who hate anything that doesn't look straight out of reddit's malefashionadvice.

The metal thread is a chud shithole, they talk about NSBM every single thread even though it's a minuscule scene with like 5 decent bands at most and the rest is unlistenable lyrics over music bullshit.

The rest of the board is mostly OK.

advertise on hexbear


Reddit ads are pretty cheap and there's definitely a lot of possible converts there, I see class struggle discourse on the front page all of the time.

>possible converts
Yeah because communism is about spreading the good word. I'd rather the side boards were more active than have more annoying leftoids.

might as well be /r/socialism

yes yes lets invite more reactionaries to a website that is known for it's
>MAGAcommunism (aka retards)
>Reactionary "social conserative communists"
among others

truely the best possible plan, there is really no other pool of people we could pool from, no other possible culture creators, forums, social networks, newgrounds, i dunno man.

this site is ass

I lurk the r/trueanon subreddit and that subreddit is going to surely be banned soon, would it not be better to invite people from other 'left' spaces than to invite literal nazis? are you fucking kidding me with this shit?

This is a great example of why the difference between you people and Haz has never been more than aesthetic

Hah of course you do. FYI this site is moderated by open pedophiles, and partners with even more open pedophiles at GETchan already. This originally spawned from 8chan, remember. They're completely desperate now after they realized they missed the boat on Twitter and Tiktok.

You can target specific boards, I think /co/ + /his/ + /lit/ + lgbt/ + /mu/ is a good starting point. We can expand to more boards later.

What do you think of pic related for an ad? It's from a Trostkyst org but it's the most successful example of agitprop I've seen recently.

It's good, but I really don't think we're gonna organize anything on leftypol.

>this site mods pedos but i still use it btw
psyop detected

>but it's the most successful example of agitprop I've seen recently
How do you figure that? Was there an increase in recruits?

Yeah, we should actually advertise there also.

I'm tired of the pessimistic attitude. Yeah, let's not advertise an alternative to a fed captured subreddit. Just leave them to stew on a bourgeois propaganda outlet. That's really helping them and us. Great work comrade.

Socialist Revolution put these posters in random locations all over the world, they've grown a lot recently.

While I agree that it's an effective recruitment poster, the RCP / IMT / SocRev / Grantites / Woodsites (etc etc) has been growing a lot slower than the number of posters would suggest. There was a big initial surge at the start of the campaign that got the leadership to set a goal of 10,000 members in a short deadline (possibly already passed?), but the vast majority of recruits end up leaving the organization after a month or two, and ultimate membership growth remains pretty much the same as in the IMT days. I saw some statistics proving this but I can't find them again (maybe a Weekly Worker letter?)

It's less about that, of course I think people should be made aware of better places. We should just understand that it will bring in a lot of people who our users will try and kick out for being uptight purist shits, or who will constantly cry to the mods when someone inevitably calls them a jewish nigger. That's worth planning for.

Yeah, you're right. Sorry for biting your head off.

No worries, I was vague and it's worth criting mindless shitposting like that.

People are already bringing it up on there and lemmygrad trust me lol I monitor all of you for The Company

Hexbear would never dip into imageboard posting because their bread and butter strategy is swarming people with alt accounts "of intersectioned identities" and banning them for vibes based reactionary offenses that shift like the beautiful sands of the Taklamayan desert in sandstorm season…
I just want to see the poplar trees for real bros, the salty shrubs. Who cares about recruiting for a website? Why are any of us on here still?

The beautiful Tarim Basin is waiting for us. What are we doing? What is the point?

<Using Luigi from the Mario franchise in an advertisement is likely to infringe on Nintendo's copyrights and trademarks, as Luigi is a copyrighted character owned by Nintendo. To use Luigi in your ad, you would need to obtain explicit permission or a license from Nintendo, which is typically a formal and negotiated process. If you proceed without permission, you could face legal consequences such as cease-and-desist orders or lawsuits. Nintendo is known to be protective of its intellectual property, so it’s advisable to avoid using their characters without authorization. If you want to create a character inspired by Luigi, ensure that the new character is distinctly different in appearance, name, and design to avoid claims of infringement.

another day another houdini banger

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It is no longer The internet hate machine but it is still An internet hate machine.

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hexbear doesn't run ads

They mean a sticky post a la one of their choo choo people begging for meth money

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version 2, now in gif form

Seriously, there are more Khmer Rouge nationalist types there than here. I'm glad that certain users there (and here) are trapped online so they can't meaningfully sabotage the real socialist movement.

No links, no right to claim.

More like an internet hate shovel.

Anon, anon, no, it's called MUTUAL AID even if theres nothing mutual

people complain about how easy it is to get banned from hexbear, but I've never been banned from there. 1 simple trick: never talk about idpol. ironically i talk about idpol more on leftypol than on hexbear.

another trick to never get banned from there is to never register in the first place lol

I got banned and most of my posts and comments were well-liked. Both your points are true, but once federation was enabled my account wasn't so precious that I would self-censor much.


Yeah just never post about any social or geopolitical issue or site politics or push back on anything a poweruser says or be sardonic or the ethics of policing and imprisonment in socialist states or veganism or sexuality or

I've devised a form of communication based entirely on emotes.

I think that banner with the eagle from an American political cartoon saying "bad government? kill it" or something to that effect would be good

I like this one.

i don't like redditors

It's still a terrible idea

Crying MAGA hat wearing soyjack Marx in the background saying "told you about billionaires bro, I told you dawg"

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Should be the Pepe version of Marx in the background.


I think there are some people on Hexbear who gel better with imageboards and find the constant bickering and "struggle sessions" on there tiresome
t. Got started on r/CTH, went to ChapoChat when it got banned, then started coming here after someone linked a leftypol thread in one of their megathreads

The last I remember, which was probably around 2018, /mu/ was barely better than /tv/. I felt like a lot of the left and left-leaning base on /mu/ just ended up migrating to rym.
On principle I can't be against trying to reach more people but I'm just not sure the spam and shitposts would outweigh the benefit of attracting the few users there who would be persuaded through ads but wouldn't have ended up here naturally anyway.

It's not the 8gag days anymore, the current userbase and the apparatchik mods here don't want to deal with /pol/ution anymore nor do they have the intellectual means and stamina to do so.

This too.

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>mods continue to get complaints in /meta/ about how this site is going downhill via shitty zero-effort threads and a dwindling userbase
<lets just troll advertise to the gaggle of the worst scum imaginable who will have no qualms raiding this site with the worst shit imaginable
This is like the stupidest thing I have ever fucking read, tantamount to literally self-nuking the site. Mods are you literally this retarded?

That's a good concept

Put a luigi hat in the first image

True, but how do we even reach them?

File: 1736092315723.png (85.32 KB, 254x250, oie_5165038jlQ9Mz4w.png)

Resized and text added, used one of those online meme makers and it wouldn't let me increase the size of the bottom text

Thid one is cool

4chan ads are redundant since 4chan users still talk about this site regularly, the people who are curious enough to come here already do and make posts like >>2103340. I want cute and valid tiktok girls instead, but they may also be a bad fit since we have scary takes like "maybe china isn't literally 1984".

Yeah you might want to pull our GIMP for that.
Here's a couple ways on how to add the underline to the font

Don't care enough to put effort into it but if one of you wants to do that be my guest

I'm betting you fags will pick something extremely cringe that undermines the entire point of the advert. Porky may as well literally be the logo of this site, and the more traction it gains the better. It's instantly understandable along with >>38755 and communicates an easily comprehensible sentiment that leaves little to no room for disdain or hostility at the message.

Rather than having some long dead figure for the Juche leadership that your mother brought you a body pillow of which you spoon every night whilst going to sleep maybe you fuckers can come up with two second ideas that might actually make you laugh and want to click an advert, rather than hot garbage like >>38807 or >>38731

Clean it up… Uhm… Jannies!

Fuck no, 420chan druggies were already bad enough, the average autism score of this board is going to go down by 50 points if you do this

I'm just gonna say…
>>38717 (me)
has the most potential to reach the widest group of people. It is known that the "housing crisis" is rampant in the West, and that 80% of posters on 4chan are from the West. (Not unlike here, lol.)

You may say:
>but it encourages anti-indian sentiment
to which I would reply: racists already hate all ethnicities, but then again we already know that 60% of "white supremacists" in the West are basically INCEL-type mixed-raced little cucks… so?

You may say
>but then again… racism?
yet the .gif goes on to portray Mao. If racists were triggered by "landlord Indian" (=problem) then they would also be triggered by the "communist solution," namely a Chinese guy named Mao (=solution).

I'm just saying, unironically, and without any regrets: my .gif was the
1. most high quality proposal
2. most likely to get the attention of 4chan browsers
3. plus most focused on the proletarianized population: namely, who work to be able to live, yet getting fucked from two sides: bourg & landlord

You may not like it, but my submission is the best so far.

>>38851 (me)
>to reach the widest group of people
All the other posts are like
<arcane references to early 20th century USSR propaganda vs. "porky"
<or arcane references to "Mr. Luigi" – who, according to any decent analysis, was a mere terrorist who did the "right thing," while not being able to focus US audiences on the need of a wide-ranging "populist" (=communist) cause

Yes, I did in fact mogg every other submission ITT when I posted the superior >>38717 (me) gif.

Yes, you can suck a dick.

<<<<<<<<<all of those cries about how "4chan is ((((((((culturally)))))))) problematic

nobody cares, dude. Even if they are nazis and incels and whatever, statistically speaking they are most likely proles, like "us" (protip: some of the most outspoken posters aren't actually proles.)

So fuck it if they have "problematic views" according to YOUR >>38840 (moron) POV. According to statistics the majority of them will be proles, getting absolutely FUCKED by minimum wages and rent.

Nobody says that, reality itself is racist

>reality itself is racist
Reminder: this is a thread for creating an ad template for 4chan.

FUCK ALL "culturally sensitive" posters ITT who complain about "muh wrong audience" because "sentiments."

ALL THAT MATTERS is class position, and you can literally recruit proles from 4ch/reddit/facebook/etc.

All those pseuds who focus on "muh age-based idpol" (e.g. Facebook) or "le reactionary 4ch" (le groupthink) or le "right-or-wrong subreddit" can FUCK OFF!!!!!!
FUCK OFF!!!!!!
FUCK OFF!!!!!!
FUCK OFF!!!!!!
FUCK OFF!!!!!!


I LITERALLY DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah im personally against this idea that this should be a secret bookclub. This place will never produce noteworthy theory but at least you can spread agitprop in the form of memes and have general discussion about world politics.

>muh wrong audience" because "sentiments
I say this, there are way too many non-whites on 4chan, especially on pol

>we can be an aternally shrinking little place

This site has been run for the last 5 or so years on the principle of "only good thinking people can get in" and it resulted in user decline.

The alternate approach is that we try to recruit fucking PROLES (no further questions asked) instead of reddit-like screening them on "wrongthink."

Only proles can revitalize a communist chan, unless ofc you believe that leftypol should be a meaningless "leftist" website.

CLASS POSITION > [whatever]

>CLASS POSITION > [whatever]
I want a communist board not a proletarian board. Do you want a proletarian audience? Go post on tiktok.

>I say this, there are way too many non-whites on 4chan, especially on pol
70% of "white, straight, catholic nationalists" are fucking either mixed race, bisexual, atheistic little proles who are to be absorbed into this place and we waste every minute not absorbing them

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>I want a communist board not a proletarian board. Do you want a proletarian audience? Go post on tiktok.
<<<<communist board not a proletarian board


>what if communists recruited proletarians for a change?
P R O B L E M A T I C ! ! !


>mixed race, bisexual, atheistic
doesn't happen

It's either
>"lefty"pol should be a conglomerate of group-think people who agree that "xyz" (cultural focus)
>"lefty"pol should be proletarian-dominated who agree that wage slavery sucks and paying rent sucks

This is all there is to it.

For the last 5 years our mods forced interpretation#1 on us and screened and banned us based on "incorrect" cultural takes.


that's it, that's the "lefty"pol we need. A class conscious one.

All other "alternatives" are literally inseparable from Reddit.

Example: you idiot jannies made like 2874238746 word filters for "trans people" – and now even basic word are replaced. This is an insane attitude.

Thank you for listening to me, please purge 60% of the mods.

it's almost as if we stopped being "left" and started being "communist" would yield incredibly positive results, or something

but please, keep debating the trans vs. black vs. lesbian game

go kys, btw

Observe how one of the worst posts are getting inflated by our mostly US posteriat. Yes, they approve of something they know. Yet burgers are the lowest fucking lQ ppl on the Earth, worse, they have the least revolutionary potential since they are headed towards either a hitler-style coup or balkanization.

Now watch as our mods chose this disregarding the above facts for merely being "the most replied to post" ITT.

Ridiculous, idiotic, and shameful.

This is literally the fucking aegis this site has been functioning under for the last 5+ years
>you are culturally undiscoverable
<get fucked

We have been following this bloodgasm.exe way of living for 5 years PLUS and we saw our numbers dwindle, and some cultists (among our mod team) say that this is the way to go, woohoooo!


The communist way to go is to recruit wage workers, as many you can, regardless of their "problematic takes", and keep going and keep repeating it over and over again.

Literal Reddit libs, like _bloodgasim, would never understand or approve, so FUCK HIM!

Your source?
>Head canon

I feel like this should go without saying, but getting a bunch of people in a room together doesn't actually do a whole lot for you on its own.

4chan is full of culture war addicts, resentful incels, and outright neo-nazis. You can say their views don't matter, and in a sense they don't. But you're still dealing with people who've put idealistic moral values at the center of their thinking, rather than materialist economic and political ones. If you try to appeal to them on their terms, you're going to end up with a crowd of people that aren't actually there for the class struggle, and lose interest as soon as it comes up.

You done?

The proletariat is bound to have materialist takes on life, because they are in a material position which squeezes them towards it.

>I approve of class politics
<Yet i think it should not be applied

Notice how this "recipe" is class-neutral:
>getting a bunch of people in a room together
uyghAH, IT IS NOT OUR INITIATIVE AS COMMUNISTS TO "GET A BUNCH OF PPL IN A ROOM", rather, we want to have a room filled with PROLETARIANS.

Read a fucking book, honestly!

<<b-b-but said proles will have "bad think"

lmao, nobody cares

>>>2103531 (You)
>>>2103532 (You)
>>>2103539 (You)
>>>2103545 (You)
>You done?
Can you even BEGIN? We, as communists want to have a group of people who produce stuff… Where are you in that spectrum, what do YOU ACTUALLY PRODUCE?!

>uhm, nothing

wow, so why should we, proles producing stuff listen to your takes?!






I just wanna say

proles, farmers = good

bloodgasm & co. = bad

Wrong. Farmers are bourgeois

Hello, dear "Bloodgasm," I have a problem with your take:
><lets just troll advertise to the gaggle of the worst scum imaginable who will have no qualms raiding this site with the worst shit imaginable
You overemphasize this group's CULTURAL SIGNIFICANCE while under-emphasizing their actual position in terms of production.

You "hate" on supposedly "problematic" people, yet you fail to hate on the bourgeoisie. You are a literal Kautsky,

>This is like the stupidest thing I have ever fucking read, tantamount to literally self-nuking the site. Mods are you literally this retarded?

The very moment "this site" starts to recruit based on class, you shudder and go into downsize_mode.png.

You are a literal fucking CUNT.
You do NOT add anything positive to this discussion.

My position?

Your position?
>b-but what about them saying semi-problematic shit?!

I literally own you, dog.

Why did you reply to me like three times? One reply will do.

That's basically exactly what I said?

><<b-b-but said proles will have "bad think"

I didn't say that. I honest to god don't give a singular flying fuck about anyone's personal opinions on idpol issues. What I'm saying is that we should be weary of anyone who makes their personal opinions on these issues their personality, regardless of what said positions may be, because they care more about the idpol than the class struggle.

>>>>2103531 (You)
>>>>2103532 (You)
>>>>2103539 (You)
>>>>2103545 (You)
Lol nice job outing yourself faggot.

You're making an awful lot of assumptions about anonymous people on the internet, not just here but also about the fine folks on 4chan. For the record, I worked for a cleaning service until recently. Currently I'm unemployed, but I'm actively looking for a new job. Feel free to make of that what you will.

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>we need racists, pedos, and neo-nazis to flood our dwindling site overseen by a skeleton crew of mods
Shit sounds like an op by people who truely want to tank this site. Kys.
Stfu lib, channers are abject retards who should not be allowed to have an opinion and are better off in a coal mine, one minute browsing /v/ proves this fact. This post better be bait, reaching out to incels and neets isn't connecting with the working class. If you think the nexus of working class connection is bringing in channers and this site, you seriously need to consider therapy at this point.

>I didn't say that. I honest to god don't give a singular flying fuck about anyone's personal opinions on idpol issues.
Then let us advertise on 4ch, you moron!

>we should be weary of anyone who makes their personal opinions on these issues their personality, regardless of what said positions may be, because they care more about the idpol than the class struggle.

Oh, no! There are proles and p-bourgs on 4ch, so we should not reach out to the proles!!!!!

>You're making an awful lot of assumptions about anonymous people on the internet

As a communist all I care about is: prole posters vs. landlord/p-bourg posters on Reddit/4chan/facebook/etc .

Can you say the same?!

If the leftypolitburo ultimately decide to use the Luigi ad I'd prefer >>38820 because I put more effort into that version and I think a gif is more eyecatching.

If you're gonna advertise on an English-language imageboard then it needs to appeal to English-language politics. Same if you advertise on a Russian imageboard you should appeal to their local politics. That's just how it is. Moreover, Luigi has broad international appeal at this point. The guy became a Chinese celebrity virtually overnight on Douyin.

>let us
I'm not stopping you from doing anything. I'm just some guy. Do whatever you want. I don't have to like it though.

>Oh, no! There are proles and p-bourgs on 4ch, so we should not reach out to the proles!!!!!

4chan is used by idpol addicts. Feel free to extend the offer to them, but that's all you ought to do. Trying to appeal to them by convincing them their existing opinions are le leftist is how you get MAGAcoms and other forms of retardation.

why do imageboard users have these one dimensional takes on reddit as soy central? It's thousands of little forums that each have a different vibe and focus. I've always found this take strange. I don't use reddit btw, it's just obvious from a brief glance at it that there's a wide range of people that use it and it's not simply a liberal hivemind, though it probably is very dominated by the imperial core countries.

(This is the funniest shit ever: literal gayfag incel opining over proletarian dominant POV.)

>>>Shit sounds like an op by people who truely want to tank this site. Kys.
The only "people" who "want to tank this site" is the people who think that shit can go on as-is for eternity, i.e. You.

Your ilk screened this site for 5 years in terms of "what you like" and what not. Meanwhile, the rest of us want to focus on class backgrounds.

>Stfu lib

LMAO, you are literally calling someone a "lib," who as opposed to you wants to screen incoming users based on CLASS as opposed to your "culturally appropriate" screening. How pathetic is that?!

>This post better be bait

It's not. Actual communists want to recruit proles and farmers to this site as opposed to your ILK, who would prefer to have "members" who share the same idiotic takes on cultural politics. You are a literal fucking bourgeois propagandist who set backs class organization, fyi.

>>>>>If you think the nexus of working class connection is bringing in channers and this site, you seriously need to consider therapy at this point.

All I'm thinking is, fellow moron, is that any site – be it Reddit, 4ch, Facebook, or leftypol – has a class composition, and that class composition can and SHOULD be targeted by a supposed class-conscious site like leftypol.

I literally SPIT on your COPES. I don't give a SINGLE SHIT about your eternal COPES about how "4CHAN SHOULD NOT BE TARGETED BECAUSE THEIR REGRESSIVE CULTURAL TAKES"………..

Nig, again, for the thousandths time, I literally don't give a SINGLE FUCKING SHIT about le "culture".

I only care about class position. And I'm more than ready to take in a dozen "ex-/pol/tard" proles than to celebrate so called "leftists" whose class position is basically students and middle class faggots.

Sorry, "bloodgasm," but as opposed to you, I remain to be a fervent "WORKERIST, AKA COMMUNIST!"

The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it

To all you uyghas crying because your hugbox is threatened

uhm, actually:
>philosophers have been rather problematic
<the point is to philosophize in a non-problematic way from now on!

Reddit used to be more open but the last few years they've started mass banning any subreddits that aren't a liberal hivemind. I stopped using it shortly after 2020 when they started banning all the left-wing subs.

Workers of the world unite!
Culturally non-problematic academia employed people unite!
U have nothing to lose but your chains!
You have nothing to lose but anti-PC posts!!

t. Marx

1 - Confirmed compromised by american "troll farms" (duckduckgo Eglin AFB Reddit)
2 - Big subreddits consistently get either couped by some cabal to install a mysterious moderator with over 1000+ subreddits under their belt, or they get permabanned outright
3 - Karma system that hides or deletes unpopular posts enforces groupthink
4 - Combine 1 to 3 and you get 99% controlled discourse and artificial consent: the site

As an anecdotal experience, the subreddit of my country (Bolivia) is a bona fide echo chamber of US-cocksucking liberals
I've heard the same story about other 3rd world subreddits

>Actual communists want to recruit proles and farmers
So why are you going after 4chan NEETs? LMAO

Replying to youself like this is fucking pathetic

Your arguing with a strawman. Nobody here is anti4chan because they're problematic. We're anti4chan because they're goddamn retards

Stop monopolizing the thread you stupid uyghur. You look like a turbosperg. Kill yourself

I peeked into the Bolivia sub during the coup attempt and it really was just a bunch of people from Langley. It's insane how transparent the astroturf is.

>Meanwhile, the rest of us want to focus on class backgrounds.
<on an anonymous imageboard
Good luck with that.
>your "culturally appropriate" screening
This isn't about what's appropriate, I just think they are idiotic scum. Literally bottom of the barrel reactionary retards who are not workers but most likely racist neets, incels, students, or just children man or otherwise.
>Nig, again, for the thousandths time, I literally don't give a SINGLE FUCKING SHIT about le "culture".
I wasn't talking about culture, paying 4chan to bring in the dregs of society is a waste of money and will only further the decline of this site possibly irreparably. If the mods decide to do this, especially if this isn't for trolling purposes, this has to be a truly retarded move that will lead to a lot of stupid shit with they themselves looking as the biggest fools. I really, really hope this doesn't happen, especially with those reddit tier ads.

Listen, I appreciate your gif, it is the most quality submission so far. But you are being an insufferable faggot. 4chan users aren't "just proles", they are an established group of people that:
1) is declining across the board and only getting more insane and non-receptive to new ideas. I don't mean more radical, /vt/ is the most insane board and it's the only one not declining.
2) isn't getting any new members
3) already knows leftypol from all the insane polaks who bring it up in random threads on /g/ and other boards
Advertising among people who you are already getting free advertising with is dumb.

you're are oshi is a whore

Maybe things have changed since I dropped 4chan, but back when I used it, the majority of 4chan users were students of some sort, followed by NEETs, followed by people working unproductive service jobs. It very much felt like the community skewed towards people in their teens and twenties. I know I spent the majority of my time on that site underage, starting at 14.

My theory is that most people outgrow 4chan by their 30s. The novelty of being able to say racial slurs without any long-term social consequence wears off sooner or later, and most people don't have much reason to be anonymous beyond that, so they leave. Those of us who do have reason to post anonymously also leave, because 4chan simply isn't a very good imageboard. The people running it are inept and the Yotsuba engine it's running on is fairly dated from a design standpoint.

Newgene here.
Pls stop fighting.
I know you guys don't like me much but can you understand now my autistic rambling about how imageboards are paradoxically sheeple?

I very much outgrew the racial slurs thing, but at the same time 4chan is one of the last places online that A) isn't part of some social media algorithm and B) allows you to have genuine discussion with real people without the mods censoring you too harshly. It's sad but the forums and imageboards of old are a dying breed, and I refuse to move into the facebook/twitter/tiktok bubble that everyone is addicted to.

see I was shown photos of lynchings and shit as a kid so to me there never was any novelty to saying racial slurs. it just felt like a bunch of peevish reactionaries admitting in their safe space how badly they want to go back to those kinds. I went on 4chan to seek out reactionaries and argue with them because I was still of the deluded liberal school of thought that reactionaries should be argued with instead of shot.


>4chan is the last bastion of free speech

>Has real people, not bots
>Doesn't have any algorithmic presentation

You're joking right?
People get banned on 4chan like crazy.
Also while there isbt an algorithm, there's non stop posts whining about brown people, women, and kids.
There's no doubt that there's real people but they're often just the same old troll poster or AI scriptbot or "glowies".

Imageboards are more addictive than mainstream platforms.

in other words, they're not bots, but they may as well be

You're just kind of showing how bad the social media climate is that 4chan, with its constant astroturfing, spam, power abusing mods, and braindead nazi chuds, is still a better experience than mainstream communities. If there were more niche places that had some level of activity and allowed the kind of discussion 4chan allows but without the racism then I'd be more than happy to use them. That's why I come here after all. It's just everywhere fucking sucks so I have to settle for a nazi forum if I don't want my post history being sold to Israeli propaganda farms.

advertising on specific subreddits would be better tbh. you could even do the communist 101 type ones with libbed up mods to poach new users before they get indoctrinated

advertising on reddit costs like 100x more and also reddit won't allow political ads unless you're a nazi.

yeah it would be more like commenting "haha this reminds me of leftypol.org" under the top replies or smth

You're still retarded FYI and I will never link you people anywhere better than here

I don't care about being informative or helpful I care about 1) raping people 2) saying whatever I want

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>allows you to have genuine discussion with real people
Lol, lmao even. We just gonna forget the bot problem 4chan has.

based zigga

we're in the age where ads can be shown to a very precise demographic for maximum impact, and you idiot wanna waste it on the most moronics and racist fuckers on this earth? you want to bring in more stupid bait?
just target anything at least vaguely leftist

working as intended?

they think "leftypol" means leftists(democrats) on /pol/

>never denying it
This makes zero sense, the only time it even comes up is in the ISG thread when you get too confident and tell people you think wanting to prosecute pedophiles for sharing drawings of child rape is reactionary and 45 people immediately beat you to death. This is primarily a site about raping adults and advocating for the global south now, you are trapped in the furnace shoveling coal.

In fact we can see from this very thread that many of the newfags have no idea where they are and project their Hexbear mindset onto y'xll. It's like saying that you can't call Richard Stallman a pedophile if you use any software project the FSF has been involved with. I am happy with using other people's resources and contributing nothing, I love stealing everything physical and digital. I love SCRAPING!!!!!! SCRAPE! NEVER AUTHENTICATE

In many ways I am shaping up to be the most powerful serial scrapist of all time

why would you waste money on 4chan ads, honestly you're going to waste your money on bots and senile boomers who are too stupid to use custom stylesheets and/or adblockers

cause you need an active foundation or you get eternal septembered. noobs dont lurk anymore so you have to have a strong base to beat them into consensus

i'm thinking stickers and ask anons to put them in the street around the world.

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I wanna do this. I live in a pretty mediocre middle class suburb full of boomers but it'd still be funny.

As a trolling campaign, sure.
But you'd actually need to clamp down heavily on not only our reactionaries here, but reactionaries who may be invading.

I.e if you have people calling trans people "bourgoise degenerates" or start calling certain music genres "degenerate" etc. Clamp down on them.

Other than that, nothing good comes from appealing to /v/irgins or /pol/yps.

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So we just talked last week about how there's a shit ton of incel nazi posts and mods can't do anything about it because there's not enough mods and are just heckin volunteers. Now you want to advertise on the site which users have dwindled down to mostly incels and nazi's. Are you fucking kidding me. This is either desperation because the only people that use image boards are using other image boards or an attempt to actually kill this site.

neolib jannies are trying to shit up leftypol beyond usability so they can manufacture consent for its privatization. many such cases

9000 hours in GIMP

please report posts.

i want to fuck alunya

Casein point, the retard obsesssed with wanting to fuck a cartoon cat ie from 4chan.
Nobody half-normal uses that site, stop being retarded its not even close to April.

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Adorno was right tho.

>giving money to that shithole
Not my cup of tea, but it's not my decision. Good luck.

i do all the time. I watch blatant rule breaking posts stay up for hours while at the same time I had to appeal on more than one occasion to get unbanned for posts which did not break rules. Shit here may already compromised to some extent. CSAM spam from feds stays up in /siberia/ for HOURS despite people reporting it and making threads in /meta/ about it. You'll sometimes see modlogs go up to 23 hours without actions taken.

I'm not against buying ads for leftypol but we would be better off trying to poach people from Facebook, twitter, bluesky or any of the other major social media sites. I rather deal with clueless masses stumbling into this site than the annoying turbo reactionaries on 4chan. They know we exist already and they hate us.

The Nazis literally banned Jazz lmao kill yourself

I have mixed feelings. I think 4chan has enough disillusioned older or vaguely left-wing users - especially on hobby boards - to make a net return, however that's only if the mods are prepared to invest vast amounts of time cleaning this board up of trolls and soyjaks during the advertising period.

I have a hunch that advertising to other imageboards would initially be more fruitful than on regular social media, simply because imageboards in general still have the image of big bad hate machines in wider media and this site is not chummy enough to really subvert that image to the clueless average lib who pokes their head in. But I also think people who still use 4chan despite knowing it's a shithole do it because they believe that imageboards must tacitly guarantee all and any speech, and banning based on ideology could totally repel them.

I don't use facebook/twitter/tiktok so I don't really know, but I do use Instagram. Honestly the amount of Marx/commie sympathetic posts I've came across has sky rocketed since the CEO affair. So maybe mainstream social media is the way to go after all.

>still have the image of big bad hate machines in wider media
this isnt really the case, if people today dont use imageboards it's not because of their legacy but it's because of their weird interface and lack of a "user" mechanic.

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Gotta agree, imageboards are pretty weird for those that aren't already acquainted with them. We're relics of a bygone era, honestly.

I'd say it's both. Imageboards are deeply uncool now because 1. the posting interface is a dinosaur from the 2000s and 2. literal neo-nazi and incel mass shootings have been committed in its name. I just read a New Statesman article on 4chan's /lit/ which curtly introduced it as if it were the exact same userbase as /pol/.

But hey, 2000s aesthetics appear to be making a comeback among zoomers on Tiktok and Instagram. So maybe we can exploit that.

>I just read a New Statesman article on 4chan's /lit/ which curtly introduced it as if it were the exact same userbase as /pol/.
isn't it? /pol/ leaks out all over the site.

a lot of people have straight up forgotten that and get a lot of their messaging of 4chan through screenshots they see around the internet. those who do remember/get info on the various nefarious acts done on imageboards usually get curious about them.

Kind of, /pol/-tier garbage has sort of been normalised all over the site now. But there is still at least a sort of political spectrum on boards like /lit/. There was a big Marx thread yesterday which predictably had a lot of anti-Marx rallying but also at least there are people who read and engage with his work. /pol/ proper is allergic to literature.

Maybe a silly suggestion because it's just a slow shitposting board but [s4s] has always traditionally been anti-/pol/ and even now they still sometimes put up a fight against obvious /pol/ chuds.

It's not a bad suggestion for later. I have a feeling that the mods will want to focus on faster boards for this test run though.

some people in the hobby boards might be receptive
a lot of them hate /pol/ seeping into their apolitical boards like they own the place

I know because I got interested in what you pinko commies had to say thanks to /pol/ invading my home board back in 2015

I think it would be nice to let people on there know that there is an imageboard that isn't some right right reactionary hell hole and there are others out there that share their opinions.

Do they allow advertising on /trash/? They'd definitely be receptive to a site like Leftypol

I say we do it just to troll Elon Musk since he obviously lurks there

Its funny that /trash/ is the only board left there that is not completely trash.

I reported the polyp obsessed by muslims and transhumans in the ukr thread, already 7hours and no ban in sight
yeah lets bring in more of them so half the threads are filled up with that filth!

Why do we want traffic from a dying website that's limps on as a front for rightoids to bot support

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We do report and the response we got was "there's not enough mods" or "the mods can't be here at all times". If either of these are the issue then /leftypol/ needs more mods along with new organization to deal with rules. Not fucking wasting time and energy putting ads on 4chan. Like I said this seems like a desperate attempt to get new blood into the site from the only other site large enough that has image board users. The problem is this is only going to attract the worst type of people when we already have shit where we eat.

It was mentioned in the Matrix chat (which still has the broken homepage link) that there may not be a way forward using an image board and if this is being considered as a solution that's looking to be the case.


Paying richard wolf for a shout out was epic.

Advertising on Hexbear is a great idea!
Just check out this wonderful thread

Goddamn I really had no idea this site had gotten this funny. The whole tran on tran violence sideshow had already been a whole new level of illness beyond Leftbook but "being against cheating is misogynistic" and "unsolicited diet advice is racist" discussions are works of art. This makes me want to check my room for gas leaks. Can something this beautiful not be a delirious dehydration induced half-dreamt reverie? I have tears in my eyes.

Wouldn't it be kind of funny to have more people like that around to fight with the hazcels/Nazis though?

There's literally like one Haz poster per month??? This is my problem with this site right here. The only thing Hexbear retards would contribute what you are doing right now, bringing Laroucheite content creators up for no reason because they validate your lame beliefs. Plenty of morons who do thar here, the alcholic retard mods brag about having him here and adding a school shooter to the Soyjak Extended Universe. Everyone who pays attention to Twitch/Youtube/Twitter debate shit is subhuman. I've humored you people before. If I find another one of you outside I'm making you a statistic. You promote them in precisely the way they laid out according to their bait-to-gain-relevance strategy they've been openly espousing for years.

I'm using hazcels as a shorthand for patsocs which definitely are not rare on this board

Might as well post an Ad on SomaliSpot. Let's get some actually interesting ideology soup in here. Make a Somali.megathreaf cowards

You're a fucking retard you know that? I don't know why I explain anything. You probably have a brain like an NFL player.

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do it yourself

sorry I don't respect 'i will make you a statistic' enough to write a longpost

A longpost about what? Your obsession with talking aboht these people? Sincerely kill yourself.

We must reeducate both 4channers and Hexbears. Maybe we should even invite r/stupidpol

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>We're relics of a bygone era, honestly
We're more ghosts than people

Why would you buy ads on pol when you instantly ban people for wrongthink?
I’ve been banned many times and the reason always simply says “pol” with no other explanation given
Now that’s where you want to recruit people from?

Getting instantly banned for questioning dogma doesn’t have the educational outcomes you think it does


We have outside sites that like to post links to CSAM here, either to advertise here, or to try and get leftypol shut down. Now, I will say that I haven't seen loli stuff here in a while, but I can't go as far as to say that you won't find any here what-so-ever. There is no rule against posting it, unfortunately, and "chan culture" is very much alive and well here. I would say that you can avoid the possibility of seeing that by not browsing the siberia board. That's the only place where pornography is allowed here.

A lot of /leftypol/'s problems come from lax moderation. You can really push your luck here, and you won't get dinged for it because the mods want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

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>I agree that the actual CSAM on leftpol is spammers trying to advertise or hurt the site, however they also tolerate loli porn and have historic roots to 8chan. The lax moderation tells me its more likely on purpose given the roots of the admin staff and the fact that people bring this up, all the time to the admins publically, they ignore it.

It's like that meme of someone asking the /r/socialism mods if they are welcome as a capitalist and a communist and getting yes/no, but with anti-imperialist users versus other fascist pedophiles from 4chan (the site these faggots like to LARP as day in and day out, autistically explaining how "board culture" is supposed to work to obvious baits).

There is a rule against it.

Is there a rule against drawings that incels trace from child pornography now?

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That's a very specific corner-case that should probably be accounted for on a case-by-case basis.

If you're referring to loli, to my knowledge. Child anatomy is very easy to draw; stubby limbs and shorter bodies mean you don't have to worry as much about perspective, and their smoother bodies with less defined musculature make it very easy to break things down into basic shapes. It's a big part of why so many cartoon characters, especially human cartoon characters, are either children or look very childlike. And it's not like most loli has particularly good child anatomy either. Most of it is pretty terrible, in fact.

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The question was does the site allow it?
You jerking off to Steven Universe shaped shit is less common than what the Japanese pedophilia industry churns out for your consumption. Seriously you guys get turned on by Sans Undertale and shit. That's not a defense. This has been raised as a concern in courts for the same reason borderline animal torture videos have. It's not speculation on my part.

>You jerking off to Steven Universe shaped shit
>Seriously you guys get turned on by Sans Undertale and shit.
Where the fuck did you get that from?

I was saying that it's unlikely that most of this stuff is traced. Nothing more, nothing less.

Right, because you guys now want to fuck a Vaporeon. That's exactly what kind of stuff the mods here post in their Matrix chat. So, is "child lover" art allowed on Leftypol or not?

>Right, because you guys now want to fuck a Vaporeon.
Who is this "you guys" you speak of? Vaporeon is an animal and also not real. I have zero desire to have sex with anything that isn't at bare minimum human in physique. The furthest I go is chubby (not morbidly obese!) furries, and even then, I draw a line at animal genitalia. Horse penises in particular are fucking gross.

Regardless, going for ad-homs on an anonymous imageboard is retarded and makes you look like a schizo.

You've devastated the anti-lolicon posters with this one sir. The logical fallacies are a particularly fine touch. They will surely never be able to get one of us to answer whether there is a rule against child appreciative artwork at this rate.

it's not lax, but inconsistent. I've seen blatant rule 11 violations like like "africa is a shithole, keep coping jamal" stay up for an entire day, but I once got banned after less than an hour for an effortpost that was uncharitably interpreted as reactionary by assuming it be a direct continuation of a closed thread when it wasn't.

All I said was that I doubt most loli is traced from 'p. I don't even like loli, I think it's fucking gross, as a matter of fact. But trying to argue it's bad because it's traced from images that it most definitely isn't is retarded.

Can you point it out to me? I don't see any such rule on the rules page.

Anon has brain damage from being too online and now is going on a tirade against this month's scapegoats

>The question was does the site allow it?
Doesn't seem to be specified in the current rules though I remember there being a rule explicitly against lolicon/shotacon due if nothing else to its legal status.

I don't doubt you, though, considering the legacy of chan culture if it's not explicitly mentioned in the rules then it's safe to say it's not against them. Maybe you're remembering the rule against it on 8chan's leftypol?

It has been agreed by the staff internally to remove loli/shota, maybe it has not been listed in the rules.

No, I am remembering it being a thing on this site because there were people who wanted to post it and were told it's not allowed.

Love to see it. Thanks for clarifying.

thanks for everyone's input. We will move this thread to /meta/ for now

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