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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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8chan was basically the perfect website in that it combined the anonimity of 4chan with the community creation aspect of Reddit, it would be nice to see this feature implemented here.

To my knowledge, allowing this feature may possibly exceed the financial burdens that might exist on the server. But if this is what's wanted from the community than efforts can be made to investigate. What board do you personally want to see? Afterall it is possible, /latam/ was created from users who wanted it.

we actually need STRICT board reduction. we have far too many boards for how many concurrent users there are.

Cannabis Discussion
Alcohol Discussion
Ecstasy Discussion
Psychedelic Discussion
Stimulant Discussion
Dissociative Discussion
Opiate Discussion
Vaping Discussion
Tobacco Discussion
Benzodiazepine Discussion
Deliriant Discussion
Other Drugs Discussion
Detoxing & Rehabilitation
Personal Issues
Dream Discussion
Food, Munchies & Cooking
Travel & Transportation
Style & Fashion

i don't like the word "detoxing" it implies drugs are necessarily toxic, how about a more neutral word like "fasting" or "abstaining"

No that's how it was on 420chan

never used it, should've changed the name.

No, the party was hard, some needed to get off drugs to be able to do drugs again.

if you add board creation pretty soon there will be explicit incel boards and all kinds of other shit

Open board creation 8chan style is a bad idea, but I think that "devolved boards" (boards which are run semi-autonomously from the main site, conditional on achieving a certain agreed activity level and meeting other requirements.) would be an interesting idea.

e.g. say I volunteer to run a new board called /history/. I'd be the admin/moderator of that board, with the rules being a mix of global rules, rules agreed with the modocracy and rules that I set autonomously. /history/ may not be an explicitly leftist board, although obviously if it turned into an anticommunist shithole it could just be yoinked. (Power devolved is power retained…)
Board access would be subject to negotiating certain conditions - for example, to make a case that the board is a viable one, to agree to actually moderate the board, to ensure other mods are in place when I'm unavailable, and to encourage a certain level of activity on the board. e.g. I'd have to perform outreach and bring in new people to post there. (This is the advantage for the main site - come for /history/ and stay for /leftypol/)
If, in say a year, /history/ was pulling in 5 PPH and was trucking along fine, I could continue running the board - and if the board is dead and full of bait and junk posts, you shut it down and we move on. If, unexpectedly, the board is a massive success with 1000PPH, eclipsing /leftypol/ and quickly bankrupting the site, you encourage me to spin it off into a new website and retain a link in the header GETchan style.

that just sounds like running an imageboard as a service company anon. I guess thats technically already possible with all the alt boards they just never get any traction


you can derive my whole idea from two theories: first, that alt-boards poperly managed could grow the site as a whole by drawing in people who're left-wing but don't have politics as a primary hobby, and secondly by drawing in people of varied politics who don't have a board, or who's board/site is dying.
second, that the problem with alt boards is that nobody is personally responsible for their success or failure, so they're just a kind-of-irrelevant adjunct to /leftypol/. why would a mod try to promote /games/ to someone vaguely lefty who wants a less shit /v/ when they could promote /leftypol/? how much time does a full-time sitewide mod have to promote /leftypol/ anyway? and, if they do it in an embarrassing way, how do you distance the site as a whole from one person's mistaken actions? all resolvable questions if the board is semi-independent: i would promote my board because it is mine and because if the board fails to thrive it will be taken away, how i do so is left to me (perhaps i outsource modding to my mods and promote myself, perhaps i outsource promoting and mostly mod myself…), and if i fuck up the site admins can point entirely at me, or in the worst cases, topple me.

no money should be involved - letting people buy their own dead boards would just clog up the site. which boards were allowed should still be a matter of rational consideration: does this board idea make sense? does this person seem like they're half-sane and, more importantly, do they have a plan to make it work?
if we try the idea and it fails, well, at least we'd learn something, maybe something applicable to another stab at novel variations on imageboard governance. at the moment all we're learning is that a site with a low influx of new users gets slower and more boring over time, and that merely creating your own /g/, /v/, /a/, /mu/, /i/ and /k/ with blackjack and hookers doesn't do much to excite anyone.

we 100 billion% need less boards. literally who even bothers going on anything other than /leftypol/ and /Siberia/

/edu/ is also useful but honestly /latam/ was kind of a flop and all of the hobby boards should be fused into one

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This website isn't fucking fast enough to justify more than a few boards. Stop with these dumbass requests. If anything we should merge some of the slow off-topic boards and allow slightly more off-topic posts on the main board.

Comrade…..most drugs literally are toxic or poisonous. Thats why humans take them because the toxin gives the high

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