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/music/ - Music

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what were some albums this feral soyjak said were bad but were good actually?




house of balloons by the weeknd


whoa they made soyjak real


colors by beck


Fetch the Bolt Cutters


w-what are you doing with those bolt cutters, anon?


i havent heard about this guy since 2018
commercial reviewers and reviewers that use number scales are boring


so you think there are entertaining "reviewers"?

now explain this to me, the average album is like 40 minutes long, the average song is 3, wouldn't it be less time consuming to actually listen to the music?


p much any rap album that isn't backpack shit he dont fw. I'd chock it up to the fact that hes an aging millenial hipster and just out of touch in general


This, yeah


what's that one justice album with "audio video disco" on it? is it called audio video disco? anyway, i like that one and he didn't. therefore he is AN bitch and also an poser faker




I gotta agree with fantano here. Album isn't bad but definitely underwhelming for those of us that were expecting Cross 2.0. Still played the fuck out of it and saw them tour it tho
Speaking of Justice they dropped this 2 weeks ago

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