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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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viperbros… not like this


he already released a song about it


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>then released her back to carter
fucking pigs man


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>somebody famous for looking unhinged did something unhinged


He’ll be fine.


>4-5 years
holy shit


There's a huge meltdown on the internet because apparently much of this guy's audience is very young and had no idea who Viper really was. They propelled him to meme icon and are now discovering that there's nothing "ironic" about him. Viper has a long criminal history and it doesn't take a lot of digging to realize this. When you hear him rap about cooking crack, he really means it.


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He also tried to contact many of his female followers lol.


classic viper


This is possibly da worst day in da history of rap


Too many rappers doing bad shit
This is why I kind of dropped hip hop


Are you saying he did Tienanmen Square?


them uyghas really was cowards?


I listen to rap and even alotta drill shit but some raps fans are just naive
>wait you mean the guy that sells fentanyl and kills rival criminals is a bad person? who could have possibly foreseen this


Didnt know you couldn't embed vidya and file in same post but this is same rapper ~2 years later to prove my point. Sometimes rappers actually aren't capping and those are the ones who are usually get arrested or killed.


I hate conservatives who say rap is a sign of a degenerate and declining culture. But it does make me mad that lyrically talented, introspective, and philosophical "backpacker" type artists get slept on while fenthead murderers sell all the records with their shitty bass-heavy beats and slurred nonsensical lyrics


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He even posted about it all right under our nose. What compels criminals to leave clues about their wrongdoings on public internet spaces? It's as if they want to get caught.


808s are kool tho


doesnt he release extremely frequently? and the few people browsing his titles would assume they're just more edgy ironic meta stuff


Does he actually smoke crack?




that's not viper, though. its just some guy who runs his youtube channel. i think vipers only direct account was his twitter.
as far as original music goes, he's released very little in the past 10 years. 90% of viper's music is remixes and alterations of previous songs. i think his last actual record is yall cowards dont even smoke crack 4.1


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>i think vipers only direct account was his twitter.
new layer unlocked


Who the fuck even is this guy? Why is this thread suddenly in /music/?


t. Too cowardly to smoke crack


90% of people that brag about crack have never smoked it, so quit pretending to be ghetto.


The OP originally posted it in /siberia/ and the mods moved it here.





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