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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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I’d rather listen to music made by actual Palestinians, not a pasty white guy who doxxed Portland anti-fascists.


>doxxed Portland anti-fascists
you got a source on that, buddy?
I know the interview he did with Matthew Heimbach got the Portland radlibs big mad


Why would a leftist do an interview with a known fascist?


talking to fascists isn't actually wrong. the error Rovics made I think was giving Heimbach too much benefit of the doubt, to take Heimbach at his words when we know that fascists are consummate liars


oh and also Rovics doesn't believe Heimbach is a fascist


>make a song seemingly calling for dropping aid to Gaza
>it actually praises the Berlin Airlift
I'm not so sure you'll want to praise the people who kept literal Nazis around, David

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