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Green Day is my favorite band, and I consider American Idiot the greatest Album of the 21st Century (If not the greatest Album of all time), as it provides the most accurate assessment of U$ society that can be found in any Music or form of art produced this century (as funny as this sounds, you probably could learn more about the 21st Century U$ from listening to this album then watching TV or surfing the web), with the exceptional critique not just seen in the obvious Epic takedown of Bush era Neoconservatism and Religious Right Evangelical Protestantism, which is still just as relevant to the Trump era (arguably more so, because so many “American Idiots” have fallen for the delusional copium that Trump is a “Moderate” or even “Closet Leftist”, when he is really just the highest stage of the Christian Zionist Nationalist Theocratic Fascism that emerged under Bush), but also in the fact that American Idiot is fundamentally a Rock opera that tells the story of a disenfranchised American teenager named “Jesus of Suburbia”, who revolts against his Conservative upbringing/brainwashing in a shitty Suburb, and flees his miserable family to move to the City where he embraces his alter-ego named “St Jimmy”, who is portrayed as a Free-thinking Leftist Hippie/Hipster who defies the Establishment, but tragically the protagonist ultimately retreats into his insecurities and metaphorically “kills” St jimmy and returns to his shitty Suburb, thus American Idiot at a very deep level articulates the tragedy of both the Fascist Theocratic “Redneck Agenda” which seeks to oppress the disadvantaged at home with Neoliberalism and Social Conservatism, while slaughtering millions abroad with Zionist Neoconservative Warmongering, and the “Faggot America” (Bille Joe Armstrong’s words not mine), that seeks to stop that agenda but ultimately fails because of its own insecurity which lead many to become brainwashed one way or another into embracing the “Redneck Agenda” (this can be seen both by Centrist Democrats that end up shilling for Zionist Genocide, the “New Cold War” with China, and Neoliberalism, and the disenfranchised Edgy “Leftists” who end up deluding themselves that Trump is “Anti-War” and a “Lesser Evil”, despite standing for everything they claim to be “against”, such as Neoliberalism, Social Conservatism, and Zionist Neoconservatism), 😂🤣🤢🤮✊😜! In conclusion, what do my fellow Comrades think of my thesis that American Idiot captures the zeitgeist of the 21st Century U$ more then any other work of art this century, 🤔?


hold on, let him cook


Comrade, what do you think of my thesis that American Idiot captures the zeitgeist of the 21st Century U$ more then any other work of art this century, 🤔?


This album is awful


You must not have listened to the same Album, OR you have severe hearing issues, Comrade, 😂🤣! American Idiot is the Greatest Album of the 21st Century (if not all time) that completely captures the zeitgeist of the contemporary U$ with an in-depth Leftist critique, and for that reason I listen to it every single day (particularly the first four tracts, “American Idiot”, “Jesus of Suburbia”, “Holiday”, and “Boulevard of Broken Dreams”, which I think are the best 20 minutes of music you could listen to), ✊😜!


homecoming is a banger


Common King Lear gem! 💎✊😜!


it is the best post-90s green day album and very much doubt its worse than kerplunk, nimrod or warning

solid punk-flavored pop rock album and jesus of suburbia clears


Thanks Comrade, ✊😜!

I honestly think it’s the Best Green Day Album Period (their 90s stuff is good, but American Idiot blows it out of the water), but what do you think about my thesis that American Idiot is the Greatest Album of the 21 Century, due to it fully capturing the zeitgeist of the 21st Century U$, 🤔?


Now that the dust has cleared, was green day a materialist historical dialectic and/or alienation?


Lol fuck that emo song, here's what I've been banging in my ears this whole month.


is green day emo ? is nirvana emo ? are arctic monkeys emo ? is joy division emo ? is slint
emo ? is nine inch nails emo ? are the beatles emo ? is creed emo ? is duster emo ? are the ramones emo ? is dinosaur jr emo ? is taylor swift emo ? is pavement emo ? is blur emo ? is attack attack emo ? is vicious circle emo ? is coldplay emo ? is godspeed
you! black emperor emo ? are the smiths emo ? is fugazi emo ? IS MY BLOODY VALENTINE EMO ? ARE THE BEACH BOYS EMO ? ? IS SUBLIME EMO ? ? ?


It's boring garbage is what it is.

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