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"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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Is the metal scene left wing or right wing?


metal is centrist edgy lib, and punk is leftist edgy proletarian


real "proletarian music" is whatever is on the billboard charts
punk is for upper middle class lifestylists


I find punk tends to have more proletarian themes and metal more fantasy.


this, I could also see metalhead class composition varying pretty widely from subgenre to subgenre


rock against communism vs. rock against racism.

you choose.


grindcore - leftist
deathmetal - nihilistic
black metal - fash
metalcore - lib?
nu metal - all over the place
boomer metal - reactionary
power metal - reactionary


what about deathcore? what about slam?


How so?


What's the most apolitical metal subgenre?


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i think it's hard to associate slam with any political leaning since the whole thing seems to be just about having a very nasty and violent sound and gore lyrics. But since it attracts edgelords, I'd say it leans reactionary

as for deathcore, I don't pay a lot of attention to the lyrics, but from the lyrics I know it seems to also be very nihilistic, like deathmetal lyrics usually are. The lyrics are also sometimes about stress and anxiety and shit, and I don't know what to make of these mental health themes politically. I don't remember any deathcore song that'd openly take a politcal stance. But again, I usually don't pay attention to song lyrics and I'm an idiot, so don't take any of my assumptions seriously


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rabm is becoming more and more relevant.


there's a lot of leftoids in hardcore and noise rock


hell yeah


picrel is easily my favorite black metal album


I like Autumn Eternal better, Kentucky feels… too gimmicky?


Classic/power other than Black Sabbath is either apolitical or right-wing because of the monarchist LARP, black and slam can be reactionary (racism and misogyny) or apolitical (typical edgy Satanism and snuff/guro lyrics), (melo)death is also mostly Satanist edge and gore, thrash, crossover and traditional metalcore are more likely to be left-wing but that's not a given. Melodic metalcore (both Shai Hulud-core and Gothencore) is either positive messages, emotional angst or finding Jesus so apolitical. Brutal death can be surprisingly lolbertarian (see Dying Fetus).

In conclusion, listen to thrash/crossover/metalcore. Anything with a strong hardcore punk influence is a safe bet.
>hardcore and noise rock
Not metal, doesn't count.


In that case economic liberalism is the most proletarian ideology, isekais are the most proletarian anime, soap operas are the most proletarian TV series and AAA games are the most proletarian video games.

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