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/music/ - Music

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Real, femanons? Can you confirm?


mass hysteria


I dont think any Staceys or Beckies post on this Chinese community party forums


>do men have someone like that?


>do men have someone like that


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Kind of unrelated, but I decided to check some Taylor Swift songs to see what they are about, and immediately got hit by music video in which her love interest is the chad guy I know from blackpill looksmaxxing videos.


I'm more of a Chico Lachowski type guy


Its ogre for him too, no escaping the agepill.


Shavemaxxing, finasteridemaxxing, and dermarollmaxxing should help him.


Kinda reminds me of the Ryan Gosling personality cult. One of my female coworkers said the main appeal of Taylor Swift isn't even her big singles but that the deep cuts on the albums are actually unhinged af which I can respect


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Not a femanon but what is actually happening here isn't someone articulating someone's interiority. It's giving people an interiority to introject onto themselves in place of doing introspection. It is, in a very real sense, a kind of mass programming. The idea that this popular media "gets you" is just an illusion.

"He just like me fr" is the exact same thing but for men. What's interesting about these two related dynamics, though, is that the the people in either group (women or men) are immediately able to recognize what's going on with the other group, but struggle to do it with their own in comparison. This is because they are immersed in their identity structure, as it constitutes their experience of reality. They can intellectualize and deconstruct it, but they can't intuitively experience it as an outsider as they can for the other group. In this way, the separation and alienation between women and men can actually be advantageous if we are willing to listen to each other about ourselves.


weighing in as a tran-knee faggot to say that I feel like this only really applies to like neuronormie cishet people who do the Leo DiCaprio pointing at TV thing when they see someone like them. woke media trying to pander to the gays always comes off as laughably out of touch


oh my lord, yes, me and my boyfriend watch drag race (more due to him liking it) and it feels like it's aiming at such a low demographic


honestly I think most "queer" media pretty much exists to entertain shitlib allies. actual queer media used to be underground like John Waters' early movies and I don't think it was ever fully recuperated into mainstream culture, which is less true for other subcultural media even if the same trend is still there. it also only gets even more detached the further you go from specifically gay male culture. like there's almost no evidence of what transfems are actually like in mass media and I think if the average cishet person knew what tran-knees were like it would turn a lot of libs into total homo death reactionaries


>do men have someone like that


Gender essentialism of liberal white girls, oh, boy.
<the thing about andrew tate is that he so perfectly encapsulates through his videos. the interior lives of men. It's why we all can't stop listening. We're all saying. "wait you felt that way? we were all feeling this way?"
<Do women have someone like that?


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>do men have someone like that


I thought you were gonna post "Jailbreak"
Guess they speak to multiple male experiences.


>do men have someone like that?


>eats random stuff from his feet in public
<wtf he's just like me!!


You keep bringing this embarrassing incident up?


this is how i live, hoe
it's just a fucking game, girl
my life is nintendo
i beat this game every day
i beat this game every day
i beat this game every day


it should be other, with a small o, lest you hint at the lacanian big other


Gamer girls: "He's just like me frfr."


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I say this and look like this!!


That chick clearly has not run into those compilations of, "He's me fr fr", with a good chunk of them being psychopaths or characters you aren't suppose to look up so (Patrick Batmen and D-fense), and it's a coin toss that the creator relates to aspects of the psychopath but sees there flaws, or relates to their entirety.

I get in overapplication, but it was still really annoying a few years ago that people would lose their shit if you dare compare parts of your life to a video game.

Ignoring that games are inluenced by human life, (and vice-versa) – (hence the Lenin quote, "Art it the reflection of the class consiousness") – "gamify" is a strategy commonly sold to people to help with doing tasks and stuff with moderate success.
(Though it shouldn't be surprising since it's a 50/50 a fascists hate video games or really any art that doesn't just uphold their opinions).

I wonder what characters specifically.
If I had to guess, probably male characters from animal crossing/stardew valley, and then characters I'd never guess of just moderately succcessful games like the main chracter from price of persia.


tbf eating crud out of your toes in public is kinda gigachad behavior


I mean from his feet


idk why people clown on this song, it's criticising the exact thing they blame on it


even 'jakkers know its true meaning now that they've actually heard the full song from this SMV


Oh anons to think the 21st century is just starting!


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>they moved the incelbait twitter screencap to /music/

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