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Puffy killed 2pac and hip hop.


The feds killed Pac.

You'd be shocked at how much the FBI was watching hip hop in the 90s. Wu Tang had a massive file.


feds killed pac, puff killed big.



Who said Puffy wasn’t a fed like Jimmy Henchman or Haitian Jack?
Notoriously, Puffy called the feds to back off the night biggie got smoked.





Puffy is paying the price for what he did.
A prison bitch in a golden cage.
I feel bad for his family for taking the rap, for the evidence he left in their name.


People know that Assata Shakur was Tupac's godmother, right? Tupac's mom was a black panther. The whole government was terrified of hippity hop music back then. Nowadays they can't afford to trash hip hop, it's too cool. It's probably the soundtrack to a big part of their life. But at the same time a lot of the radicalism of the 90s has been forced underground. I don't believe in the backpacker legend of the "secret meeting" but I do secretly believe a lot of the trashing of "old heads" in the early 2010s was manufactured by bourgeois media still rightly afraid of the messages rap music was sending around the turn of the millennium.

Anyway I'm high as fuck please recommend me radical trax if u can


Pac was openly communist. A lot of "old head" rap songs from the 90s and early 2000s were blatantly about class struggle in the hood. Common even made a song mentioning Assata.


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> Nowadays they can't afford to trash hip hop, it’s too cool
They took control of it through rats like Diddy. And it really hasn’t been cool since.

I hate to say it, because gangster rap is my favorite genre, but the “secret meetings” aren’t secret. Gangster rap was promoted to control the black population from the grassroots. It’s the breadline to prison, that El-P mentioned.
Krazy Bone has talked about meeting with execs that thanked him for filling their cells.
They also wanted him to lean into full blown satanism.
Even Cube has his suspicions that gangster rap, the genre he put into the mainstream, may have been a means of boosting the prison industrial complex.
Lyor Cohen has admitted to investing in private prisons.

Kanye says a lot of stupid bullshit, but he’s right that all these studio gangster CEOs are fucking feds.
I mean, what kinda drug trafficker would put out radio commercials about what prolific drug traffickers they are.
So either they’re just posers or they get away with bragging about trafficking because they cut a fucking deal.

And yes, Pac was raised to be a revolutionary. Maybe not a communist, judging by his taste for the finer things. But his message was still about revolutionary independence, from a system that wants you on your knees.
That’s why the feds set him up on that rape charge, to assassinate his character.
When that didn’t work, they assassinated him outright.


I have to ask why the feds are coming after Diddy right now.

It should also be noted that there was a bit of a conscious rap revival in the early 2010s. Then the Trayvon Martin case happened followed by the Ferguson Uprising, and all of a sudden mainstream rap became about doing drugs and shooting opps again. Really makes you think.


>I mean, what kinda drug trafficker would put out radio commercials about what prolific drug traffickers they are.

Every drill song is essentially a murder confession. No idea how that shit is allowed.


Freeze speech. California just passed a law that rap lyrics aren't admissable in court.


Puff killed biggie too. Born to die, life after death, c'mon.


> I have to ask why the feds are coming after Diddy right now.
I suspect he crossed the wrong line with someone up the food chain.
The raid on his house was just as likely to destroy the evidence. Just like Epstein.

Also, it’s hard to keep such big ugly open secrets under wraps. When the public is starving for justice, you have to feed them some table scraps

> It should also be noted that there was a bit of a conscious rap revival in the early 2010s.

It never really went away. It was always underground. Unfortunately streaming pulled the plug on labels like Def Jux and Anticon. Since they depended on record sales, not the blessing of gatekeepers.
Now it’s all about algorithmic promotion.

I know I’m going to contradict myself a little.
But California had a fucked up law, that criminalized anything that could be considered profiting from crime. No matter how indirect.
It was intended to force landlords to evict dope dealers, gang members and prostitutes.
But the pigs started to use it to fish for snitches, by throwing these lame cases at SoundCloud rappers.
So technically, they could go after the whole ass Dogg Pound for profiting from the reputation of the crips. Lucky thing they weren’t dropping records at the time.

But if a rapper were to drop a verse about someone they killed and where they hid the body, I’m pretty sure it would be admissible in court, if they found the corpse in the location.

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