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This band seems to have been a pretty big deal in their peak and they even have their own genre of music (digital hardcore), but I don't think I have ever heard anyone making music similar to them, were they an evolutionary dead-end? Why nobody else got successful with digital hardcore?

Also what do you think about them in general?


I personally love these fucks and I've been listening to them since I'm a highschooler which is a long time ago. Very unique band.


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i was thinking of making a thread about this a while ago but seeing this one i might as well post it here.

alec empire is apparently an ultra zionist ancap who does nothing but shill crypto and nfts now. he says that ATR was always anti socialist, anti communist and anti marxist. he also calls the guardian a "communist newspaper"(?)
for whatever reason he has a bunch of indonesian people who reply to him because of his tweets about palestine by calling him a nazi, saying free palestine, posting edits of the israeli flag and more. they're all indonesian, i have absolutely no clue why, but it's only indonesians.
but best of all is that he wants to get rid of speed limits and privatize every street, road and highway, making it so you have to pay crypto for every road you drive on, and this is for the sake of freedom of movement somehow.


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i just accidentally stumbled upon all of this a couple of weeks ago all because i had a random thought and was curious if the similarities between the GDR emblem and the ATR logo was intentional or not.


Wow I had no idea he is an ancap racist & this makes no sense given their lyrics and videos? I suspect he is rewriting his own past. Maybe he has brain damage from drugs. One of the founders of ATR died of drug overdose, Carl Crack (that name 🙄).

>for whatever reason he has a bunch of indonesian

279 million people.
>but best of all is that he wants to get rid of speed limits
makes perfect sense as long as there is nobody else on the road or near to it (and no other person's property either)…
>and privatize every street
I heard privatizing roads worked out in São Paulo, but these companies are not free to use their toll income in any way they please.


>279 million people.
well yeah, but there are even more people outside of indonesia.
the peculiar thing is that every single one of his replies are from indonesians and no one else



what twitter does to a mf


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This seems to be Hanin Elias commenting on the Blood in My Eyes video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dosquRXCNvQ&lc=UgwE2fCPvMsEUA26UMt4AaABAg


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a very interesting comment section to say the least


<Anyone can get tortured, anyone can disappear. Isn’t this terror?
<Re-arrange your synapses
<Capitalism — you’re a little fat man in a big expensive car hanging over a ravine here!
<Re-arrange your synapses

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