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Who else here has most of their music library in flac for storage purposes? It's nice to be able to convert them to any format (mostly mp3 and opus) but I'm running out of disk space and atm I don't have the money for more portable hdds.


Bruh, you actually believe, you can hear a difference between flac and 320kbit/s mp3?


>for storage purposes
uygha cant read at all lol


It depends on your speakers/headphones of course. To make an analogy, you can't see the difference between HDR and non HDR on a non HDR monitor.


If OP has a Stax headphone, maybe it would make a difference. Maybe.


We live in modern times I have terabyte of backup and my music library is only 40 giga.


a 1tb hard drive is $30 and holds a lifetime of music. for that price it's worth it.


Disregarding that OP's whole post explicitly says it's for archiving and lossless conversion, I'm pretty sure almost nobody stores music in flac for listening to it and it's a strawman the internet made up (as usual).


You don't use FLAC because you can hear an actual difference.

Because you're right, you most likely can't, as you need proper equipment and eq settings to even hear that, and most people who think they hear a difference, just experience a psychosomatic effect.

No you use FLAC because it's LOSSLESS.
As in, the digitalisation process of the track is 100%, or 1:1.
Which is especially important if you want to convert or edit the file further.
Either way, it's a perfect digitalisation of the original.

MP3 and other lossy formats however aren't 100%. They remove bits that aren't really necessary for common audio equip (including most high range equip), but as said, the result isn't 1:1.
And especially if you want to edit/convert the file further, you're gonna fun into problems.

But for 99% of people, MP3 320 is fine, as they just wanna listen to music.
And 99% of people saying they can hear a difference are just deluding themselves.

Lossless formats are less about listening, but digitalisation and working.


FLAC is still compression
If storage space isn't too much of an issue, then WAV and AIFF which contain LCPM/PCM streams are best


FLAC is compressed and lossless… Also WAV can't store metadata, and that's the primary attraction for a container format.


People need to get onto 192kbit/s opus
Even 96kbit/s or 128kbit/s is good enough for a lot of people


WAV has support for ID3 tagging which MP3 also uses

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