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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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Can one of you fags explain what the appeal of music is? Never understood why people find music enjoyable.




Try moving to the beat. It's like socially acceptable stimming.


Get a headphone, close your eyes and lie down your comfy bed, and listen to this:

May it bestow your spirit many sweet adventures exploring new states.
Perhaps, most likely, a silent, gentle sorrow.


It's really good to do drugs to.


It gives the brain something to play with during quiet. For some such as myself that helps me focus since any ambient noises among the quiet gets me paranoid, while the brain recognizes the music is music and thus feels safe. Maybe because music = other people around in nature.


Listen to If You're Into It, I'm Out of It by Christoph de Babalon and lemme know if you still hate music.


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Listening to music is just stimming for neurotypicals.


these stimming posts really annoy me but for some reason i will ask you to do more of them


when it comes to enjoying music, having a soul helps.


And the more souls you have the better it is, like how pulleys work.


Because you're legitimately autistic anon. Seriously, if no music appeals to you in any way or form, then you need to see if something in you is broken. Humanity created music as a way of entertaining but also imitating sounds, likely as hunting whistles, and drumming on logs and what-not is something even Great Apes do. So as human paleolithic groups evolved and developed, at some point music developed in different places simultaneously, and like early painting, slowly formed into an art form, with dedicated tools being created for the express purpose of music. We like music because of the patterns, rhythm, soul and melody and it appeals to us.



it's not just a beat tho
a song can have a perfectly quantized beat and still sound like shit


If you don't like it you don't like it, nobody can explain it to you.

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