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"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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What do y'all think of Rush?
I've been listening to quite a bit of their music lately and they're one of the best prog bands of all time, but I can't get past some of their lyrics.
If no one knows Rush is known for having very deep philosophical lyrics, but their philosophy comes from Ayn Rand lol. Obviously their stupid politics doesn't prevent me from enjoying their music but I wanna know what y'all think about artists who are like this for you.


Probably my least favorite prog band. I didn't even know they were libertarians, I just think their sound sucks.


I'm a huge fan of prog but Rush never gripped me for some reason. I probably haven't listened enough.


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I enjoy Rush, they were the first band that really gripped me as a kid, so I give them credit where it's due for getting me into music at a young age. I personally like their synth era the most, it's super divisive but I always found they hit that perfect balance of technicality and pop sensibility during that era, plus Neil's lyrics aren't as insufferable as compared to the Prog era. Heresy is probably their worst song lyrically, and unlike 2112 it doesn't have the music to carry it.


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>deeply philosophical
>philosophy comes from Ayn Rand


rush is the closest thing leftoids ever got to the glory of true prog, but in true lefty fashion they completely missed the point by making it political. they could have been almost as good as Yes or Asia if only the messages weren't garbage leftoid propaganda

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