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/music/ - Music

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With this one, you can make actual songs.
Hearing right now to the international as an anime opening.

67 posts and 32 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I like the lyrics a lot


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I don't know if its because the service is overloaded or something, but I can't seem to be able to make longer songs in Japanese with the V3, for whatever reason, the most recent version's quality will gradually degrade to the point that it straight up fucking skips through entire sections of the lyrics.


ok this is pretty good

do it like the different tendencies are Hogwarts houses lol


I can't make the cover of Alunya vs Grace Rap song cause the lyrics get flagged for moderation constantly by the time I get to the second verse no matter how much I try to find ways around it. This is such fucking bullshit.


>sterilizing rap
one more reason to hate AI


Its OK thanks for trying!


Nvm I did finally get it to work, but some parts had to be edited to be more tame so the lyrics wouldn't get flagged and I did some edits of my own as well, hope that's not a problem.
I couldn't decide which version to pick for the ending so I just made full versions of both of them.
Here's Alunya's portion of the song for now along with the MP3s:


Here is Grace & Lassalle's rap. the ending kinda went fucky wucky cause there was no good way to transition to the male vocals beyond trial and error.



>Going from actually funny songs and political satire to this forced meme board-tan Grace crap

Well, it was fun while it lasted.



Thank you!


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I was thinking the next song I make could be in the style of a sea shanty. I just kinda want to make something pirate-themed I guess and if people wanna throw lyric suggestions or other ideas my way feel free.


I wrote a sea shanty about a miserable office job years ago:

i'm the anon who keeps contributing lyrics from ancient text files

lay your lazy eyes upon the window in the monitor
don't you let them wander yonder, pay your labor mind
lay your lazy eyes upon the window in the monitor
get a gaze, a glimpse, you wimps, don't let yer eyes go limp
lay your lazy eyes upon the window in the monitor
it pays to pay attention, maybe pension and a raise
lay your lazy eyes upon the window in the monitor
You lazy pawns were dazed and yawnin', now you're all behind.

It's awful in this office and I wish that I was washed away
pay me to be lazy with me lads along the ocean bay
It's awful in this office and I wish that I were in the woods
hauling logs and hunting hogs and foraging all sorts of goods
It's awful in this office and I wish that I were born again
back before we scraped the skies and gentrified the continets

set your brain upon the task was asked of you by managers
manage all your tasks and act just as you were designed
set your brain upon the task was asked of you by managers
make the marks on calendar and do what you're assigned
set your brain upon the task was asked of you by managers
strain to do what's asked of you and bask in all your pain
set your brain upon the task was asked of you by managers
chain yourself up to some desk and deign to feign you're sane

It's awful in this office and I wish that I was washed away
pay me to be lazy with me lads along the ocean bay
It's awful in this office and I wish that I were in the woods
hauling logs and hunting hogs and foraging all sorts of goods
It's awful in this office and I wish that I were born again
back before we scraped the skies and gentrified the continets

lay your lazy eyes upon the window in the monitor
please don't let them peer at peers, distractions all declined
lay your lazy eyes upon the window in the monitor
focus on the hocus-pocus, focus on the grind
lay your lazy eyes upon the window in the monitor
get vexed with the complexities in hopes that they unwind
lay your lazy eyes upon the window in the monitor
act upon the time you've got, let methods be refined

It's awful in this office and I wish that I was washed away
pay me to be lazy with me lads along the ocean bay
It's awful in this office and I wish that I were in the woods
hauling logs and hunting hogs and foraging all sorts of goods
It's awful in this office and I wish that I were born again
back before we scraped the skies and gentrified the continets

set your brain upon the task was asked of you by managers
hustle, bustle, struggle 'til your muscles have declined
set your brain upon the task was asked of you by managers
man, you're aging every day, so manage your decay
set your brain upon the task was asked of you by managers
shape your plans and scan your papers, make sure they're all signed
set your brain upon the task was asked of you by managers
scrape yourself up off the floor, get up off your behind


Do you write these just for fun? It's so cool, I wish I could work with language this well.


yeah I spent years writing stuff for fun. Admittedly I would use a thesaurus or rhyming dictionary every now and then if I couldn't come up with something good but it was still hand crafted.


I keep trying to do this one and it keeps fucking up after the second verse/chorus. The AI seems to want to repeat the hocus-pocus line over and over again without moving on. Part of me thinks this is built into the model to get me to spend more credits. It always repeats the same line exactly enough times to avoid finishing the song before time runs out. Very cringe and annoying.


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Almost two weeks after Suno V3 released and there's already a competitor that allows for more free generations, has better quality and fine-control for the output albeit while being optimized for making clips that are around 30 seconds in length rather than 1-2 minutes.


File: 1713146473043.webm (6.05 MB, 256x384, meds_grass.webm)

bumping this shit in my ride


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>the first one


File: 1713160437202.webm (2.88 MB, 256x384, alunyatheme.webm)


pack it up


no it won't, it will just produce an endless stream of tiktok accounts musicalizing shit memes


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shit memes to get you through a shittier workday


shit memes to clog up the search results so you can't find the good stuff


idk i'm having fun making stuff. maybe you should join us




holy kek


it's hot. we need more communist R&B


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it was funny the first 10 times around but now there are hundreds of accounts musicalizing obviously fake chat logs and seemingly 10 of those pop up every single fucking day


ok, you can ignore that stuff though


i'm just saying that musicalizing fake conversations and crappy meme songs are the highest aspirations these AI song generators can ever achieve


IDK if it was made with this tool but the 'i glued my balls to my butthole again' song was funny


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If it's proprietary I'm not using it.


funny thing is the AI startups never have enough lawyers on hand to enforce their ownership over the "intellectual property" that the users create. They're a crisis of overproduction right out of the box.


Suno now allows you to make full, four-minute clips with a consistent style being maintained throughout. This means that, in most cases, you no longer have to chop the song up into portions, generate the first one and a half to two minutes, and then extend from that initial portion manually in minute-long chunks to get to the length you actually want while constantly having to check that the style and tone are actually remaining consistent throughout the song.


Did they make their prompting system better? You can't even prompt it to stick to a tempo. You can say slow tempo. You can say 70 bpm and still it will give you something at 120 bpm.


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I dunno but I'm def liking not having to waste credits creating endless amounts of clips. Song related was in limbo for months because I couldn't get the old model to pronounce certain words correctly.


it's already created viral memes lol


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I made an anti-war and anti-capitalist rap song in Finnish because we're sorely lacking those over here.


[Intro, Spoken]
Masa Mainio tässä vain, ja mulla on tänään vähän sanottavaa koskien suomen valtion asehankintoja. Jees, let's go.

[Verse 1]
Valtion kirstu tyhjä, meille aina hoetaan,
Kun hoivaa tarvittaisiin, rahat puuttuu taas.
Mut yllättäen löytyy budjetista fyrkkaa, hävittäjiin, tankkeihin, ja ohjuksiin.
Mihin katosi kaikki ne lupaukset, hyvinvointivaltion hankkeisiin?

Rahaa aina löytyy aseisiin, muttei koskaan meille,
Markkinat aina toimii porvareille,
Mut kun kriisi saapuu,
Pyörii nuo sodan hurmeiset rattaat vaan duunareille.
Ja kansa kyllä huomaa, miten niitä petetään,
Kun julkista omaisuutta myydään ja leikkauksia tehdään, mutta asemenoja vaan lisätään.


[Verse 2]
Edustajien taholta kauniita sanoja ensin suolletaan, ja sitten kansaa kyykytetään ja kusetetaan,
Samaan aikaan lobbarien kans kulisseissa sampanjaa kiskotaan, miljardikauppoja hierotaan.
Varallisuus virtaa omasta maasta pihalle, valtamerien taakse ulkomaisen pääoman syviin taskuihin,
Mut stadin leipäjonossa on kansaa köyhää, jonka aika ja raha kurjuuden keskellä hukkuu, viinaan, douppivelkoihin ja laskuihin.

Rahaa aina löytyy aseisiin, muttei koskaan meille,
Markkinat aina toimii porvareille,
Mut kun kriisi saapuu,
Pyörii nuo sodan hurmeiset rattaat vaan duunareille.
Ja kansa kyllä huomaa, miten niitä petetään,
Kun julkista omaisuutta myydään ja leikkauksia tehdään, mutta asemenoja vaan lisätään.


Ei sota lopu koskaan, niin kauan kuin siinä pyörii raha,
Imperialismin loputonta nälkää, sota ruokkii lakkaamatta.
On meidän aika herätä, ja taistoon nousta vastaan,
Vain yhdessä me voidaan, uutta maailmaa pystyyn laittaa.

[Verse 4]
Kansa kattoo ympärilleen, se ei oo tyhmä, se näkee et ongelmii on kaikenlaist laatuu,
Kun hallitus puhuu yhtä, tekee toista, persettään vilauttelee, ja sitten kaatuu.
Ja kun duunarit lopult lähtee liikkeelle, porvarillinen valtiovalta sanoo kytille "roskasakista pieskää ilmat pihalle,"
Ja niin tuumasta toimeen käy kyttälauma, suojelemaan isäntäänsä, omistajaluokkaa, rapistunutta, loismaista.

Rahaa aina löytyy aseisiin, muttei koskaan meille,
Markkinat aina toimii porvareille,
Mut kun kriisi saapuu,
Pyörii nuo sodan hurmeiset rattaat vaan duunareille.
Ja kansa kyllä huomaa, miten niitä petetään,
Kun julkista omaisuutta myydään ja leikkauksia tehdään, mutta asemenoja vaan lisätään.


Kapitalismin loppu, tuo viimein lopun niukkuudelle ja riistolle,
Ei enää sodat vaadi ihmiskunnan varallisuutta, uhriksi markinoiden alttarille.
Yhdes me rakennetaan parempi tulevaisuus, käsi kädes kanssa ystävän,
Sosialismi kun saapuu, se tuo toivon, sekä rauhan kestävän.


File: 1719908358374-1.mp4 (6.81 MB, 512x768, Grace and Alunya.mp4)

Made a song about Grace beating Alunya in a duel + love songs


^to make your own songs using prompts.
(I advise not using key words mainly, but a synopsis or prompt like "Alunya beats Grace in a duel") with an addition of key words & descriptions like "Grace has emerald eyes").
(you get 5 songs per day)
To get a genre, write it in front of the prompt like gangsta rap or diss rap or diss track or rap battle or rap song or ballad or medieval ballad or musical or punk or blues or happy pop song or bluegrass – (there are more I think).


File: 1719908631879.jpg (69.08 KB, 690x381, tutorial.jpg)

To download your song, click the 3 dots & click video. Sometimes you have to wait or refresh the page to get the video download ready.

Unique IPs: 35

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