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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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>Listen to sabashit song about the failed siege of Gallipoli where the Turks pushed out the Allied invaders
>song be like: "boohoo there's no victory, no goal, only sadness from westoids who lost their sons"

In comparison songs about the siege of Vienna and the six day war fully glorifies the Poles and zionists and portrait the other side as subhuman filth

Any other shit bands that are blatantly White supremacist and imperialist propagandists?


Music Board.


Never paid much attention to lyrics and shit, the music is boring garbage anyway so I don't listen to em. When it comes to war music, there's no better choice than bolt thrower.


I have no fucking idea how people see Sabaton as 'not political' or some shit, they're obviously rightoid war cultists


>Any other shit bands that are blatantly White supremacist and imperialist propagandists?
as far as the metal scene goes sabaton is more subtle about this considering there have been openly neo nazi bands that make songs about shooting black people and put chimp noises on the track


>Any other shit bands that are blatantly White supremacist and imperialist propagandists?

All of them? Sabashit is hilariously enough the least blatant about it despite the fact that Cliffs of Gallipoli literally never mentions the Ottoman dead even once. The only time the casualty numbers are mentioned is when they are pushing the old "bwahahaha, 200,000 Ottomans died and only 50,000 brave Entente soldiers" bragging (which is basically ignoring that the 50,000 number is only the ANZAC casualties and the actual Allied dead including the Brits and the French greatly exceeded the Ottoman casualties). Meanwhile listen to any song about European vs. European battles and it's also "brave soldiers on both sides".


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It's based on a quote by Ataturk…


They should have made a song about Ataturk winning the Greco-Turkish War while Greece was supported by France and Britain


>they're obviously rightoid war cultists
<Attero Dominatus
<Panfilov's 28
<Night Witches
<Defense of Moscow (cover)
Yeah wow, such rightoids, making songs about the Nazi invasion and the Soviet destruction of fascism. They make songs representing the legend of the subject involved, they'd be political if they actually believed in the poltics about which they sang, because otherwise, they're america-patriotic turkish nationalist Communists based on your retarded, cherrypicking narrative.

Fuck off.

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