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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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Is Grimes a bad person for ever even considering to date musk and father a child with him even though she broke up with him?

No. She was lumpenbourgeois prostitute.

So a bad person

Bad person isn't a thing that exists but ye I think she's a bad person and sucks and I'd kill her if I could do it without consequences

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her parents are literal bourgeoisie

Have you not heard her talk politics? Grimes is one of the dumbest people alive, maybe to ever live.

Have you seen her appearance on Hasan's stream and the stuff she spouted? She is literally a reactionary, lol. I am actually not surprised that she ended up with Musk because while he is the embodiment of the current zeitgeist, thr reddit techbro billionaire nerd she is the female equivalent of that, the boogie fake-alt social media whore.

Also, everything after Art Angles sucks

Nah she probably got money out of it + dealt the final blow of psychic damage to him.

don't care whether or not she's a bad person but I think she's a retarded bitch

Have you even read the type of shit she believes? She's just as retarded as Musk.

she made good music
she's not just some vapid influencer

Not at her recent Coachella appearance lol

coachella is still a thing?

What did she say? I don‘t keep up with that shit.

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idk about a hasan stream, but i found this on wikipedia
shes also into like woo-woo technofuturist crypto ai stuff

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>everyday I think about the brown king Cyrus the Great

sÉx with grimes

whats that utter retarded shit she said once about communist blockchain or something that was referenced in a cruelty squad line?

I don‘t think she‘s a bigot, she just thinks about everything in a very surface level manner while possessing zero socio-political awareness.

>she isnt reactionary shes just retarded
lmao. would you say the same if this was a man

She‘s definitely reactionary but that‘s not quite the same as being a bigot.

she seems like the kind to only associate with white people and maybe some east asians


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so shes homophobic, transphobic, racist, but not a bigot. aight

Grimes' step brother is an Banadian Indian Bompton Blood. Strange world.

>homophobic, transphobic
That would be new to me.


Based on what? That she‘s proud of „white culture“? I get why that is problematic but she can also be a dimwit who literally just means classical architecture and croissants when she says that.

Cyrus is probably one of the least terrible Great Men of history to idolize, although some real shitheads have idolized him. The Achaemenid Empire was relatively tolerant and chill.

>Woman says something racist but you see women have no agency so it doesn't matter especially if they are rich.


You are really fixated on her being a woman when that was never part of my reasoning. You are either an incel or one of those feminists who live up to the strawmaned stereotype.

>when that was never part of my reasoning.

Yes it is. You are exhibiting extreme bias and uttering some insane apologia for an awful person just because they happen to be a woman.

She made one good album, Visions, and that's it. Art Angels is overrated as fuck and sounds annoying as fuck. Why listen to her when Kate NV does the same kind of music but with actual talent?

>Yes it is.
"I know what's inside of your head better than you do"

thats literally what youre doing lmao

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