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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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How does it feel knowing that the most elusive and sought-after piece of lost media was discovered to be porno music?


And everyone thought the song was from a car commercial.


i liked the porn music from the 90s/2000s that sounded like something you'd hear on the weather channel


Post examples.


That's pretty cool.


I thought the chance it was from porn was probably about 50% anyway.
>random, badly archived generic 80s song
>Carl92's evasiveness
>lyrically about an affair, not exactly made-for-commercial music fodder
Impressive that it was found though.


The songwriter said it was a generic pop song he wrote after a breakup that he sold to a porn producer for money


Has anyone seen the porno? You can find it on Xhamster.


yeah bub here u go champ
https://br (dot) xhamster (dot) com/videos/angels-of-passion-1986-9452781

the song appears somewhere around 1:07:00


But this isn't The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet.


It's just a tribute.


People thought this song was Japanese city pop, then Italo-disco, then from a car commercial, then a Sprite commercial, then a clothing commercial, then from the JEM cartoon, then someone had the bright idea to check porno.

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