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What is your opinion on this femcel music


mental illness/10


File: 1714658373309.png (1.25 MB, 1440x1414, 454c57cb3731ee71.png)

Tatsuya Ishida spawed a new, more annoying flavor of liberalism. Like we're just going to have to deal with Sinfest Liberals being out there unironically viewing the world like a soyjak comic.


This was pure bliss. Thanks for sharing OP.


I'm not watching all of that. So I skipped to the middle and it looked like it was supposed to be crystal cafe or something and ripping on transhumanists? So crystal.cafe TERF music rather? Don't know if they're actually femcels, I doubt.


The average person is pretty indifferent towards trans people but thinks TERF shit is unhinged, so while in the short run they might be boosting transphobia, in the long run they are also making it look completely insane and hateful (which it is) which is probably going to help normalize trans people.


The song is from 2000 and it was produced by a man. It has nothing to do with the brainrot video.


a uniquely feminine form of bigotry indeed


mental illness/10


>femchvds cant even make their own music
>steal a hyperpop sounding track to make fun of tr*nnies

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