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What's the Marxist take on the ongoing Drake vs Kendrick Lamar feud?


Spectial to distract us from Palestine


neither has made a good record in years, who the fuck cares


Fuck all these limp-dick rappers and chicken-shit gossip chasers. Fuck this 24/7 Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit! Fuck celebrity culture. Fuck the media! Fuck all of it!


This belongs in /mu/ where you will find actual hip hop heads.


Hip hop is probably the most significant cultural force right now you lardbrain.


hiphop apexed years ago bro.



rap was way more mainstream and influential back in the 2000s-2010ish era than it is now


Drake is a huge piece of shit. It feels kind of weird to make the kind of allegations Kendrick Lamar made in the form of a song, but it got people talking immediately. Can't say that about a lot of the other abusers in the entertainment industry.


Both are black bourgeois millionaires but Drake is an even bigger porky and the Jeffrey Epstein of the Hip Hop industry while also having several ties to the mob both in Canada and the USA. Kendrick is also a porky and belongs to an hyper-reactionary religious sect (Black Israelite) but has shown several times on his career to be supportive of the struggles of black liberation, feminism and LGBTQ+ rights so he is clearly the historically progressive force here and the one we must critikkkally support here as communists.


If hip hop is a thing of the past then what's the
Domineering cultural force in the world today, musically speaking?


Unironically fucking Taylor Swift and whatever the TikTok algorithm determines to be popular at any given week.


spotify making people listen to the same shit over and over yeah, the machine is in charge now


Generic pop like Taylor Swift and kpop as the other anon said


>hip hop

It’s always been garbage. Sampling killed music for good by taking the communal nature out of it. The ruling class loves hip hop for a reason because it alienates the real working class from music and prevents black proletariat from turning to authentically proletarian and universalist music like folk.

Any real Marxist would reject rap and see it as little more than ruling class manipulation.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


Billie Eilish


>Sampling killed music for good by taking the communal nature out of it.
>Making music by putting together pieces made by multiple people took the communal nature out of music
racists always with this totally ass backwards shit lmao


Imagine thinking this isn’t high art.


Proof of Drake’s mob ties?


I don't care whether stuff can be played by hand. I don't go to concerts so yeah. You're basically saying all electronica is also evil which is just retarded.


>None of those "beat tapes" could ever be reproduced by a band playing live.
1. who cares
2. bullshit, somebody would find a way. I don't even have to listen to what they sound like, I've seen some wild shit with sound engineering to know somebody could replicate it if they're clever enough.


Electronic music also means people can make whole albums from home just on their own. That's cool.


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come on now you're just being lazy


Electronic has been around for like 50 years now, this is like being mad at cars making horse carriages obsolete. It never really mattered anyways because the record companies are the ones that decide what music people get to listen to in the first place.


petit bourgeois artisans crying and pissing their pants because of technological progress yet again


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Bro is having beef with technology from the fucking 70s 💀.
At least keep up with the times and cry about AI instead.


Thanks to the internet and digitized media, traditional music can be recorded and shared more than ever before in history. You can literally go look up videos on youtube of people playing all sorts of traditional instruments, which is arguably more important than recording the music itself since it allows you to see how playing one actually is done.


shut the fuck up lol
you know literally nothing about music. you're just making shit up to justify feeling superior to others because of your personal music tastes. just go listen to your folk music or whatever and shut up


>Better to side with the petit-bourgeois
Ok ᴉuᴉlossnW


Heard the Kendrick track on Tumblr. Seemed decent, a sorta slam poetry thing with an interesting BGM. That's all I have to say on it.


Heideggerian ass opinion


Electronic music isnt simply psuhing buttons. It takes skill to learn to play virtuoso riffs on synthesisers.
You also have to program patches.

Thid is why synth players were trsined in jazz and classical to prove to the world that electronica is organic.


Even if you had AI patches, they would require live samples.
Also, you still need oversight on the software.

People think tech replaces actual artists when in fact it requires more techncal skills.

Also irony is, alot of rock artists from the 1960s amd 70s used sampling for experimental records.

Musique concrete from the 1940s


To be fair Adorno had nearly identical views.


except you forgot one thing - electronic music is music people listen to while having the time of their lives at parties where they typically get drunk and high. there's genres like techno, which lean heavily into fast-paced beats and energy, progressive trance which often has vocals which is intended to mimic sexual orgasm in its function, with a buildup and climax as comedown, which utilizes a similar scheme to classical music or opera, and then there's rap, which is a beat and vocals, usually chatter, which makes you want to join in the chattering and feel a rhythm, but doesnt demand a lot of attention unless you intend to evaluate the meanings of the songs, which isnt what people do in social gatherings too much. rap makes me want to yap at least
anyway i dont see why you dont at least appreciate electronic music. there's a lot of variety which can be created through synths and basslines.


Watch that anon argue about how Raving is fun behavior imposed to workers by the ruling classes to make them into alcoholics and drug addicts.


mfer probably thinks electric guitars are sovlless lol


Meant to type dêg3ner@te.
That's an hilarious wordfilter ngl


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uh oh better not listen to your music on electronic stereo - only authentic analog vinyl records playing through a phonograph for this anon of most refined culture and taste!


I’m 100% certain t he at person is a Hazbot or a the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin follower. I’ve literally heard Maupin use the exact same argument on his livestreams.


muslims believe that industrial musical instruments are evil because satan invented them to lure humans away from allah's natural soundtracks, like human singing or birds chirping or whatever. i wouldnt be surprised if islam influenced this discussion.


Maupin panders to Muslims so hard he won’t even say Jesus is divine out of fear of alienating them. I’m not kidding.


kendrick lamar ontop


Kendrick is actually socially conscious.


Artificial beef to promote sales.


>Muh lumpen
Yup it's a hazbot


What kind of labels will tell someone to call their star a pedophile sex pest for artificial beef


>vibes and moralism
By definition both have higher chances of being petit-bourgeois.


Boosts sales with the anti-woke crowd. They love defending pedo sex pests.


>What's the Marxist take on the ongoing Drake vs Kendrick Lamar feud?



There's always exceptions. He's one of few intellectual rappers, but most of them are reactionary brainlets


only proper response


I am genuinely disappointed you guys even know what this is about or care enough to make 50 posts in 4 hours about it.


>Sampling killed music for good by taking the communal nature out of it.
Because this is the metric by which all music needs to be judged, right.

>The ruling class loves hip hop for a reason because it alienates the real working class from music and prevents black proletariat from turning to authentically proletarian and universalist music like folk.

>this shit again

Hip hop came from the streets, invented by WORKING-CLASS Black and (to a lesser extent) brown youth from the Bronx who used sampling because they couldn't afford instruments. Hip hop was subversive in the beginning. Several rappers had FBI files for instance. And like it or not, but hip hop is the music that reaches the people who will be the ones implementing socialism. That Woodie Guthrie white-guy-with-accoustic-guitar-singing-about-being-a-hobo shit is highly outdated, especially given that Black and brown workers make up the lion's share of the proletariat in America today.



>The guy in the video shows how J Dilla's signature timefeel drum patterns can't be made or reproduced by a live drummer and can only be made by a drum machine.
Ironic because Dilla was a classically trained musician and is highly, highly revered by jazz musicians today.

t. Currently dating a jazz musician

Also, Dan Charnas is a schmuck.

>None of those "beat tapes" could ever be reproduced by a band playing live.

Most industrial/noise music can't be reproduced by a "traditional" band either, numbnuts. Go see any noise musician live and they literally just let their machines do their thing.

>machines have now made musicians who actually play instruments effectively obsolete.

This is not true. You're also assuming the only thing producers do is "push buttons" when there's an entire artistry to sampling, and many will lay their own instrumentals over samples. Again, the two are not opposed.

>it's not too far off to say sampling is the eventual gateway to AI music. If traditional musicians have become useless, why not have all our pop music be made by robots and algorithms?

Won't happen. There's already a public outcry over AI taking the soul out of music and art as it is. Once AI starts getting better to the point where it becomes frightening musicians will find ways to stomp it out and the public won't put up with it.


Guess what? Pop music was always cheaply made and easily disposable. Electronic music did little to nothing to make it more disposable.


You obviously have no clue what those terms mean. Again, bubble gum pop music was always cheap and disposable. Look at the slew of teen pop acts that came out of the 60s.


I hope you're not suggesting sampling is Malthusian or whatever.


t.sheltered and resentful


Spectial to distract us from Palestine


I live in Montreal and yeah we have a huge problem with the mob here. Not as bad as it was decades ago but still pretty bad, e.g. they still control downtown and most of the construction (which is why MTL construction projects are notoriously long and poor quality). No idea what Toronto is like or if Drake makes deals with them.


10/10 trolling


Israel is bombarding Rafah from what I just read. Invasion is imminent.


but drakes is already popular, I imagine it’s more profitable to keep him as this apolotical figure with no real values like Taylor.


what the fuck is this fundamentalist ISIS bullshit i'm turning up the techno you dumb bitch


>why not have all our pop music be made by robots and algorithms?
Assuming you are not just shitposting, pop music is already made by algorithms. What difference does it make if the will of algorithm is executed by a human or a machine? If you want good music, stop listening to pop.


its probably the dugin/butthole poster. Rene guenon which is one of their influences listened to pop music, despite being a muslim sheikh in Cairo.


the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin wrote this post.


Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? Why can't wee be friends?
(I'm slowly going insane)



Pop music was always popular alongside rap amd punk.


so is punk. At least hip hop had an organic reason to exist.
Punk was mostly bored white kids who decided singing positive stuff was too overrated.


punk is dead



Kendrick really came out with the "u're a child predator" card huh


I mean i won't be surprised considering how the music industry is but that's such a wild shit to throw out in a rap feud


empiric route: let's check the billboard charts
yup, taylor swift and other girlypop stuff
girls rule the world now



Rock music in general isn't as popular anymore.


>they don't know
First, Drake brought it up in his own song Taylor Made, using Tupac's voice.

Second, Drake has been caught on video being fucking weird with an underage fan.

There's also a whole lot of weird circumstantial stuff where he consistently hangs with underage girls, like texting with Millie Bobby Brown about dating boys when she was 14.


80s prog rockers were using samplers too dumbass. But yeah, blame the downfall of pop music on a uyghur from Detroit.


I’m guessing one of Haz’s friends.

Show this shit to Haz and he’ll fully agree.


Posting style is different but the samples argument reminds me of g-nj–t lol. He's the type to become eternally mad about samples because one time when he said "21st century schizoid man" and somebody replied "I love Kanye!"


> t. Currently dating a jazz musician



> I hope you're not suggesting sampling is Malthusian or whatever.

The ruling class has already admitted to being Malthusian. They want the human population reduced because we’re becoming too expensive to feed. Turning all music electronic and eventually AI will mean they need even less sets of hands to keep making art. Of course there’s a deep connection you’re willfully choosing not to see.


>He's the type to become eternally mad about samples because one time when he said "21st century schizoid man"
Did he ever get mad at Soft Machine and The Mars Volta using similar chords of that song?


How the fuck did "you only mad about pedos cuz you got molested" get past even one person, let alone all drake's people? It's bad enough that his response to the allegations is "I knew you'd say that" and not even denying them but holy shit. Absolutely damning, makes them all look guilty.



Drake is a known Zionist.

Kendrick's producer The Alchemist is not only a Zionist but also "Israeli."

We should unironically be supporting Macklemore.


I love how every time rap is criticized on this board the Dillaheads and DOOMheads come out of their hiding spots to viciously defend the genre.
>"Nooooooo hip hop is good and sampling is an art form listen to muh art bro rap!"


OH NOEZ! An Israeli is EXISTING.

I'm sorry you don't understand high art.


>Kendrick's producer The Alchemist is not only a Zionist but also "Israeli."
Why should we care?


And would you rather listen to Doom, or any of the shelves and shelves of schlock turned out today called “rap”?


TBH they should leave family members out of this beef. Going after someone's kids and mom is a serious low.


i like hip hop for the interesting syncopated beats, but i couldnt care less about "the culture" or whatever
drake makes basically white noise and i dont think hes been in the pop consciousness much since the kiki challenge song or whatever. i think he makes music for white frat guy date rapists tbh
kendrick is at least artful but it sucks he became some born again christian black nationalist and barely puts out albums anymore. stopped caring about him since damn came out
marxist take is that this is a washed up reactionary vs washed up reactionary fight that only twitter addicts particularly care about


That's based actually.


I don't listen to hip hop but I've heard a lot of it. There's no way I'm gonna listen to a product like drake. Finally listened to one of the kendrick tracks last night. Holy fuck it sounded like a six year old. That's what all the shit is about? Fucking Macklemore has more powerful flow.


Irony is when 10 years ago everyone loved Kendrick for being a lyrical miracle and hated Macklemore for being a culture vulture.

Looks like the tables have turned hard.


Zionist settlers don’t have a “right to exist” anywhere.


Even if they’re living abroad? FFS asshole


You can live abroad and be a settler. I would have thought an anarchist would be aware of absentee property ownership…


People are right that this is a distraction from Gaza and not worth engaging too much, but Kendrick is the historically progressive choice because he makes wh*tey mad by getting all political, so I back Kendrick!


What should Israelis do to be moral then, if leaving Israel isn’t enough?


The Game has entered the beef. And it's fire.


Todd is weighing in now.


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Domi and JD Beck recreated MF Doom beat track live and its sick

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Hip Hop is a good force for music, and is the opposite of what that dude who said it ruined music.
Music cant ruin music, music IS music


>Music cant ruin music, music IS music
Well dontcha know, if it's not a white guy with an acoustic guitar singing about being a hobo during the Depression it's not REAL music and MUST be CIA-astroturfed.


god i wish i could have had unrestricted access to instruments from an early age
instead i grew up in a retarded chvd family going to an underfunded public school


Stop occupying Palestine, simple as.




So an Israeli no longer living in Israel who owns zero absentee property is still a bad guy?


The “Israeli” identity can only exist as a unique identity due to massive amounts of state violence including the genocide of the Palestinian people. “Israelis” don’t have a “right to exist” anywhere. Their existence as a unique people can only be enforced with terrorism and genocide so no the only good “Israeli” is one six feet under.


>”kill all Israelis”
>”it’s not genocide when WE do it”
Fuck off.


Honestly there's no kind of situation where Israel is completely destroyed that's realistic, an equitable split of Israel/Palestine is the best we can hope for


That’s what they said about South Africa and Rhodesia.


I guess that's true.


This feud was a Zionist sham from the beginning.


kill all israelis


>”everything must be a deep-seated conspiracy”


>never analyze beyond the surface keep gulping the topline slop


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yeah it's just a coincidence
there's no way these guys would cook up a distraction
it's not like there's historical precedent for this


To be fair, Kendrick technically started the feud and I highly doubt he’s working with Zionists.


He is signed to UMG which is owned by a Zionist (apparently). Also allegedly the feud started because of something a collaborator with Drake said on one of his songs


So every artist signed to UMG is a Zionist?


>every artist
the claim is that the CEO is a zionist (which is true)
the musicians do whatever they're told to


Can you prove Kendrick is a Zionist?


are you having trouble following the reply thread?
lucian grainge is a zionist
he's the CEO of UMG
kendrick works for UMG


>deep seated conspiracy
>literally the CEO of the company who owns the dancing jesters has an ideological motive to make them have a pretend fight with each other


People know Israel is invading Rafah though. That’s a lot of effort to put into distracting people from something they already know is going on.


why are you pretending that the average person thinks about events longer than the usual media cycle?
why are you so invested in downplaying this obvious psyop? are you a zionist?


I mean it also makes money for the record company, it's a win win.


What definitive proof do you have that it’s a psy-op beyond speculation?


Pro-Palis who see "Zionism" everywhere are no different from Zionists who see "antisemitism" everywhere.

Change my mind.


So, I should clarify: this is materially a distraction in the sense that it distracts people. There's no cabal behind it.


You two seem to be under the assumption that “Israelis” are people, which they are not. They are subhuman filth.


>it’s not dehumanization when WE do it


What I've found so fascinating about this war is how public reaction to the war seems to take up even more news coverage and discussion than the actual war itself.


Reactionary false flag.


>Kendrick's producer The Alchemist is not only a Zionist but also "Israeli."
imagine thinking Palestinians care.


none of this is a conspiracy
celebrity spectacle #48271947639473 happens, record label makes money from music released under it, and the sun sets on another day in the US
this still would have happened even if israel didnt exist


Lotta pro-Palestine people have terminal main character syndrome.


Kek, now Macklemore has a diss track against him.


They do unfortunately. I blame Arab shame-honour culture.


Fuck off Armstrong


>zionoid rap defending genocide because the "Population increased tho"


>Nooo, muh hecking kidnapped by hamas.
should not have SETTLERED on palestinan land them.


Many Jews didn’t have a choice. It was either flee to Israel or be killed.


they flew to kill the other then suffered the consequences at the hand of local resistance groups like hamas from shit they do to this day like colonial settlering, no tears for consequences of their actions.


Drill disses are so much better.


Not true. Most Jews who came to Israel had zero choice.


>Most Jews who came to Israel had zero choice.
Did they have a choice about displacing Palestinians there?


My Marxist take is: Kendrick Lamar's music funni, me like Kendrick Lamar.

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