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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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Dark sounds. Post Gothic rock, Deathrock, Coldwave, Postpunkleft_communismLeft Communism



Tensión - Communist postpunk from Argentinaleft_communismLeft Communism


I like it a lot


Litovsk from Brestleft_communismLeft Communism


Moral Hex from Portlandleft_communismLeft Communism


Just discovered these viking weirdosleft_communismLeft Communism




File: 1624727022126.mp4 (7.03 MB, 480x480, KINO - Peremen.mp4)

trebuyut nashi serdtsa.
trebuyut nashi glaza.
V nashem smekhe i v nashikh slezakh,
I v pul'satsii ven:
My zhdem peremen!


The Serfs - Angelic Ritualistic Crueltyleft_communismLeft Communism


was about to make a /dark/ thread, bumping this one instead


one more



Samantha Glass from Wisconsin


Troller from Texas










Icelandic industrial-influenced post-punk that sounds like black metal




















































even more French coldwave



Aw hell yeah



Shit this is nice






yeah, I like it a lot too. San Francisco had a pretty wild post-punk scene in 80s, it seems.


good taste, they just came out with a new album too




Ooh, I might check it out.



Oh shit, they're doing "Cinderella" - Fuzztones did a version of this on Lysergic Emanations too.


Digging "Black Temptation"









Don't see any Dancing Plague in here. Got to see this guy live once: https://dancingplaguemusic.bandcamp.com/album/bleak-moments


New …And Also the Trees just dropped yesterday:


damn I didn't know they were still making music


3:33 AM
it's the witching hour


This is my fav from them. Perfect music for cloudy september days.



















12 October 2022




Current ATL Goth/Psych band. Set rules. First song is garagey, but turns into really sharp goth stuff from the 2nd song on.


fall's gonna be here again before you know it



Les Dragons - Epiphany


I love her
she's like the cool jewish grandma that I never had

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