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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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File: 1736195253772.jpg (123.26 KB, 300x300, Israeli_Salad_(album).jpg)


Cultural boycotts of Israel and pro-Israel artists is failing. The Instagram accounts Zionists in Film, Zionists in Music, etc, are constantly sperging out about how when you give money to X artist you're giving money to Zionists. But it's all reductive because the entertainment industry is run by Zionists, and normie proles aren't going to give up their entertainment for Palestine and start listening to Hezb nasheeds instead. A case in point of a Zionist artist who keeps winning is the rapper The Alchemist. Rap fans love him, and his tracks are lit af, so his relationships with Israeli genocidaires doesn't matter. He's even collaborating with Mos Def, a longtime leftist.

BDS was never about stopping Israel but about activists having an excuse to play moral police.

BDS only works on corporations not individual people.

BDS only works in theory, not in practice.

bro is the best producer in the game tbh like picasso would literally beat the shit out of women brah

Mos Def is mindraped

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