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Come here to post/talk about some nice ambient tracks



not so minimalist but in the vein of the berlin schoolchristian_communismChristian Communism


christian_communismChristian Communism


christian_communismChristian Communism





ambient except for a few vocals for effectchristian_communismChristian Communism



Is Brian Eno underrated or overrated?


idk just rated? I've always thought of him as the vanilla ice cream of ambient artists, I like him though


ussr electronic musicc, maybe it can qualify as ambient?christian_communismChristian Communism


furniture music
>In his own words, Satie sought to create "a music…which will be part of the noises of the environment, will take them into consideration. I think of it as melodious, softening the noises of the knives and forks at dinner, not dominating them, not imposing itself. It would fill up those heavy silences that sometime fall between friends dining together. It would spare them the trouble of paying attention to their own banal remarks. And at the same time it would neutralize the street noises which so indiscreetly enter into the play of conversation. To make such music would be to respond to a need."


I used to listen to more ambient earlier on but got back to it through postrock recently. This is not postrock though. I think it deserves its own general


some psybient for you






File: 1623272043999.jpg (324.97 KB, 1200x1200, SAWII.jpg)

>filters plebs


I'm a better producer than all these guys combined



Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement - Ambient Black Magic (full album)tankieTankie




A fav project of mine, interested in anything like this either then Wendy Carlos or Mort Garson
Eh, I love both Aphex Twin and Ambient and this project has always felt like a mixed bag. There's some great stuff on here like Rhubarb but overall I feel it lingers without doing much interesting.


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