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/music/ - Music

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Soviet music that's not red army choir shit


>red army choir
Ok Mr.Shit-taste


idk what the hell I came across but its pretty cool


Eduard Artemiev - Warmth of Earth
(1985, Symphonic Prog)

Anatoliy Vapirov - Mysteria
(1977, Jazz Fusion)

Idk why there is insert of random marching band music in the latter, maybe to bypass censors?


i think he's using the word shit not as an adjective butt as a substitute for the word stuff

i often do that too



Anyone have any good classical?



Embedding error.


Embedding error.












Трава у дома (Grass by the Home). In 2009 Roscosmos named this song as the official anthem of Russian cosmonauts.


That's really cool! I like the groove and the variety they managed to fit in there.


That youtube channel is full of gems like this. I really appreciate that they include english sub in most of their videos. I found the channel thanks to their amazing Katyusha rendition.



Александра (Aleksandra) by Sergey Nikitin and Tatyana Nikitina, a song from the film 'Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears"





Марш весёлых ребят (March of the Jolly Fellows)


Осенняя мелодия (Autumn Melody)


Bio-Energetic Music
Boris Murashkin

Soviet ambient music. Coil fans will get a kick out of it.



Последний час декабря (Last Hour of December)



Три белых коня (Three White Horses)



Песня о снежинке (A Song About A Snowflake)




Rabosay, rabosay, khakhomim on a breg, khakhomim on a breg,
(Gentlemen, gentlemen endlessly wise, endlessly wise,)
Entfert ale oyf mayn shayle: vi azoy, vi azoy, azoy trinkt der keyser tey?
(I want to ask you a question. Nu, ask, ask, ask: Everybody answer my question: How does tsar drink tea?)
Me nemt a gitele tsuker, un me makht in dem tsuker a lekhele,
(You take a cylinder of sugar, and carve a hole on the top,)
Un me gist arayn heyse vaser, der keyser der …
(And into it you pour hot water and then stir and stir.)
Oy, ot azoy, oy, ot azoy, trinkt der keyser tey!
(Oy, just like that, oy, just like that, That's how the tsar drinks tea.)
Oy, ot azoy, oy, ot azoy, trinkt der keyser tey!
(Oy, just like that, oy, just like that, That's how the tsar drinks tea.)

Rabosay, rabosay, khakhomim on a breg, khakhomim on a breg,
(Gentlemen, gentlemen endlessly wise, endlessly wise,)
Entfert ale oyf mayn shayle: vi azoy, vi azoy, azoy shloft der keyser?
(I want to ask you a question. Nu, ask, ask, ask: Everybody answer my question: How does the tsar sleep at night?)
Me nemt… …me shit on a fuln mit federn,
(You fill a room with feathers and you wham the tsar in,)
Un me khmalet ahin arayn dem keyser, un a rote soldatn un shrayen der keyser shloft! Sha!
(And company of soldiers Stand all night and shout: Shah!)
Oy, ot azoy, oy, ot azoy, shloft der keyser!
(Oy, just like that, oy, just like that, how the tsar sleeps)
Oy, ot azoy, oy, ot azoy, shloft der keyser!
(Oy, just like that, oy, just like that, how the tsar sleeps)

Rabosay, rabosay, khakhomim on a breg,
(Gentlemen, gentlemen, endlessly wise,)
Entfert ale oyf mayn shayle: vi azoy, vi azoy, azoy est der keyser bulbes?
(I want to ask you a question. Nu, ask, ask, ask: Everybody answer my question: How does the tsar eat potatoes?
Me nemt a fesele puter. Un me shtelt soldatn, mit harmatn…
(You take a barrel of butter and you place it opposite the tsar)
Un me shtelt soldatn, un mit harmatn zey shisn di bulbes in moyl arayn
(And a company of soldiers, with cannons, shoot the potatoes through the butter Straight into the tsar's mouth.)
Oy, ot azoy, oy, ot azoy, est der keyser bulbes!
(Oy, just like that, oy, just like that, how the tsar eats potatoes.)
Oy, ot azoy, oy, ot azoy, est der keyser bulbes!
(Oy, just like that, oy, just like that, how the tsar eats potatoes.)


New Year's "Little Blue Light" 1982/83



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