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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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Havana, Juicy, Industry Baby

Completely ruins the flow, Is it just capitalism's fault or is there some artistic reason that I can't get?

What do you do when songs you like have parts you don't care about? Do you find an alt version? Edit it? Or just accept it?(PST (pepe share tax))

it's popular and people really like collabs
>Is it just capitalism's fault or is there some artistic reason that I can't get?
probably some mix of both, I don't really like it that much either but I never liked those songs to begin with

If it's a weird juxtaposition I like it lol, when I read this post this sketch instantly came to mind for some reason


it's so forced

No because I am not racist.(:^))

Worked in older stuff: In The End by Lincoln Park, Clint Eastwood by Gorillas, ect… I think big artists these days are too hesitant to be cringe, so it falls flat. I'm sure some smaller ones are making it work.

What's wrong with Industry Baby

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