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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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I'll start with a great recent gabber track 'Kill The Silence' by artist Glitch, released under creative commons.

There's already a thread: >>1355

Hardcore =/= techno

I'm basic, but Scott Brown.

Read the thread

I have, I was one of the main contributors of it. We derailed a thread of another genre with our liking of hardcore.
Thus I went ahead and made this proper thread.
Now contribute something relevant to the thread orther than your pointless sperging or stop posting.

Oh yeah!

I love this shit

hate that shit, always hated that shit, will always hate that shit
I was there in the city of origin at the moment of it's birth
I'm losing my edge

My gabber is my best friend, my mate

>hate that shit, always hated that shit, will always hate that shit
Gabber is based, you just don't understand it. 100x better than whatever garbage they put on EDM radio stations nowadays.
>inb4 I hate it because it's very loud and that annoys me

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