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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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post different cool names you thought of for bands or names bands that exist. Obviously keep them based

splattered box turtle

the soys

hi we're pyongyang speed steak we're like autechre crossed with john coltrane with just a dash of einsturzende neubatuen and bela bartok

I have yet to find a single crime committed by Stalin

With bangers such as:
- Didn't do enough
- kulak to gulag
- crush krushev
- abort gorbachev the fetus
- tito, please
- goodbye nazi scum
- curb stomping ronald raegan the nazi scum

should've asked me this question when i was still 15 and had them all memorized in my head

Yeah Bro I Could Totally Fit a Lightbulb In My Mouth with great songs such as I Was Wrong and There Is So Much Blood Oh My God

Smells Like Human Oil


Breakthrough album: Nervana.

Piss Tolls

Partisan martyrdom

Extraordinary Commission

Lucifer's Foreskin (existing)

The leash kids

Retarded Fairy 999

Unique IPs: 14

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