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how do i learn to play the piano/keyboard


it’s not a proper piano/keyboard unless it has 88 keys with seven octaves so get one of those


ignore >>4563 and start practicing with the cheapest keyboard you can find


i just want OP to have a proper keyboard
also those small MIDI keyboards suck for actual producing too, they’re a massive grift for making extra bucks off of teenage ableton scrubs. i know because i was one of them


op wants to learn, he wasnt asking for keyboard recommendations


yes, and you actually learn it on an 88-key


just spend hundreds on a hobby you might realize you dont actually like, bro


Why are you telling someone who wants to start practicing to immediately go for an 88-key like you can find them on any small shop for $20.


OP here, I already have a arturia midi, just want some resources on learning to actually play it. Was going to get a book but there's not PDF.

>also those small MIDI keyboards suck for actual producing too,
Maybe so but it does what I want and the VSTs included me it worth it.


you can find one to play on. they’re literally everywhere


like i said, get an 88 key. they’re in a lot of places and you can’t learn properly on a keyboard where you literally have to toggle up and down the octaves



Seriously, what you mean actually learn to play. Get a real fucking keyboard. Your capabilities on a keyboard like that aren't really what is considered keyboard playing. You don't even have room for two hands. Maybe look up pianica tutorials. Or some other kind of intruments with piano keys but a small keyboard.

But once again there is no way to learn actual piano playing on that. 88 keys is overboard. But at least like 60ish.


You have to invest. Jesus it's going to take 10,000 hours to get good. I hope you can make a few hundred in a few dozen hours or so. Life is an investment.

Also frankly you should get lessons. How much do you think those cost? Probably like $20 to $50 dollars a session.


Last piece of advice. Check craigslist. I bet you can find a free shitty Yamaha fullsize electronic keyboard for free or nearly free. People give away mint condition baby grands away in the free section there all the time.


Just learn like I did and hit the keys until they sound good and have rhythm.


im envious of the consumerist and squandering culture in amerika where you can find all sorts of shit in thrift stores and the sort


I think you can start practicing with a 4-octave keyboard just fine – as long as it has full keys. It won't be enough after a while, when you start practicing some Erik Satie or whatever, but you can always upgrade later like I did to a 88-key or 76-key with weighted keys.
Look at Louis Cole, he does incredible things with a cheap ass M-Audio 49-key keyboard (vid related).
2 octaves/25-keys is too short unless all you want to do is play simple bass lines like on a monophonic synthesizer.

Anyway, you start like you would on guitar: you learn the chord shapes of major, minor and 7th chords, and the pentatonic, major and some minor scales.
That should you take you a while, because unlike guitar, there are 12 shapes to learn for a given chord. It gets intuitive after a while though.
I personally learned like this, without a teacher, and while sometimes I have no idea of what I'm doing, I rely on my ears to guess what shapes I should follow.

Improvising over songs can help, but ideally you should get able to improvise by yourself. Starting from the keys of C and G is the easiest on piano (just like starting for the keys of E and A is the easiest on guitar).

One technique I like to do is doubling a note by the octave, basically hit two keys for the same note over an octave, with the pinky and the thumb of the same hand. It's tricky at first, but it gives a great effect when you do this with bass notes.
Otherwise, to train your brain to separate what you do with both of your hands, you should try to play a chord with your left-hand and a scale with your right-hand, for example.

At some point, if you are serious about this, you should try to learn classical pieces, jazz standards, or idk, soul or rock songs that are challenging.
This is the point where I gave up, at least for now. I spent 450€ on a big ass second-hand Doepfer 88-key MIDI keyboard with a Fatar keybed in a integrated road case, and then after trying to play Ryuichi Sakamoto's Merry Christmas for Mister Lawrence for a little while, I realized it would take me years and years to truly become good at piano, and that it is a pretty serious handicap to not be able to quickly read sheet music. Oh well. Maybe I will go back to it at some point, but these days, I prefer to practice on my 100€ classical guitar.


thanks for the advice homie I feel like I needed to hear this


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yes and renoise instead of FLshit


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based akai enjoyer


at the risk of derailing the thread i want to know what people do with a keytar or a melodica
every "how do you actually use a keyboard instrument" thread immediately goes off on how you need a full keyboard, and sure, i can believe all of the normal keyboards that only have 20-30 keys are only useful for being slightly easier to type midi bullshit into a piano roll or mario paint or whatever arcane bullshit musicians do, pretending it's a learned skill and not something they were granted by sacrificing a goat to baphomet at midnight, but that's obviously not the case for the keytar or melodica - both are instruments in their own right, both lack full keys, both are more appealing than a full keyboard, and both are impossible to see how to really use as your first instrument because every time you want someone to explain what to do with a little keyboard-like-thing you'll have someone telling you to sell it buy a bigger keyboard - tell you what mate, get me an 88 key keyboard that i power with the hot air from my own mouth while wielding like a guitar and you can name whatever price you want, i'll pay it.

not going to lie, can't remember what my point was. something about wanting to play the melodica but not the piano but being too dumb to find a tutorial for idiots who've swallowed a dictionary / being oppressed by a massive conspiracy of literally everyone in music with the determination to stop me converting tunes i hum into tunes i can record on an instrument, i think.


OP back again. After thinking about it that one guy made a lot of sense about the number of keys. Ended up dumpster diving for 15 hours (ran from the cops twice wtf) and found a working 61-key casio lk-280. This is what I'll use to try and learn frens


>Ended up dumpster diving for 15 hours and found a working 61-key casio lk-280
Wish I lived in a consumerist first world country so I could also find good stuff literally thrown in the garbage.


what are you talking about


I think >>4631 is saying that where they live, it would be very rare to find an expensive keyboard thrown out in a local dumpster.



Nice find!
From what I could gather, it has a USB MIDI port, which is great, because it means you can use it as a MIDI master keyboard to play virtual instruments on your computer, once you get tired of the onboard sounds.
I personally recommend Pianoteq if you want realistic piano sounds and other stuff like harpsichord and vibraphone without having to download huge Kontakt sample libraries, it's available on rutracker.

It has also a sustain pedal input, which is pretty important, because when pressed, the notes that has been played ring out even if you don't maintain your fingers on the keys. I love abusing that stuff. I would recommend buying one, you can get something like a M-Audio SP-2 for less than $20.
There is also a basic sampler which is a nice gimmick, that kind of stuff is always fun to use.

It should take you a good while before you feel limited with 61 keys, so now you can start focusing on what truly matters: developing your technique.
It's kinda like rubbing your tummy while patting your head, it takes a bit of time to get used to play different things with each hand.

mp3 related is a little exercise I came up with today: my right hand plays the F major chord, then C# major and D# major, while my left hand plays a bassline that goes F -> E -> D -> C -> A# -> C. I doubled each note I play with my left hand by the octave with my pinky and my thumb, but you don't have to do that at first. I kept the sustain pedal pressed down the whole time, which is a bad habit but whatever. You can do that with 61 keys.

25 keys are fine if you want to quickly find ideas for loops or chords, but you can't properly learn keyboard technique with it.
Also you are mostly limited to the key of C. For example, one chord I like to do is to play a minor chord with my left hand, and on the octave above a major chord one tone lower with my right hand, like E minor + D major. With 25 keys, you simply can't do that in the key of A#.

Keytars are a meme tbh.
Melodicas are kinda like a chromatic harmonica with a keyboard, which allow you to play multiple notes at once (polyphony) unlike regular harmonicas. They are neat little portable instruments, even tho I suck at playing them and barely touch mine. They aren't, let's say, "serious" instruments, but you can find them for pretty cheap, got mine for 50€.


>rom what I could gather, it has a USB MIDI port, which is great, because it means you can use it as a MIDI master keyboard to play virtual instruments on your computer, once you get tired of the onboard sounds.
You can use any midi keyboard with the computer. Just get a midi to usb cable.


Here is a somewhat simple song to play on piano I've tried to learn yesterday.
It might not be suitable for absolute beginners, and you need a sustain pedal – tho you can perhaps emulate that by drenching your digital piano in reverb – but it's a good left-hand exercise.
You don't have to play all the notes of the left-hand chords at the beginning, you can just play the root notes of the chords instead.
Here is a tutorial for the song using Synthesia software: https://youtube.com/watch?v=OTnhlQq_Vi8

I know, and to be fair, if you are serious about making music with a computer, you should rather get an audio interface because most of them have MIDI ports, even if it's just a Behringer U-Phoria UMC204 or a second hand Focusrite 2i4.
The Casio keyboard OP got doesn't have a MIDI out DIN port as far as I know, only USB.


I know, and to be fair, if you are serious about making music with a computer, you should rather get an audio interface because most of them have MIDI ports, even if it's just a Behringer U-Phoria UMC204 or a second hand Focusrite 2i4.
True. I have a focusrite pro 40. I think it's better than the low end options because they seem to have different software from seeing my friend's low end focusrite. Although if I was buying now I wouldn't get the pro 40. It isn't true 0 latency. I'd get a true 0 latency interface.


Looking it into it again after this post, I was thinking, just a straight analog mixer, post daw, with the audio channel I'm trying to record should give me as close to 0 latency as possible. I dunno. I bought an analog mixer but I haven't tested this yet, but this is my understanding. Also my understanding that no pure passthrough is available on my interface.

So what I envision is:

>daw out

>analog mix with my audio input
>audio input to digital in on the interface. Align


Bumping this thread to humblebrag because I finally managed to play the 12 first measures of Chopin's Prelude in E minor Op.28 No.4 somewhat correctly. I put a cassette VST on the master channel to hide my lack of dynamic control—partly due to my MIDI keyboard being a bitch, still love it nonetheless. I feel proud of myself for once.

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