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/music/ - Music

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My taste in music is extremely under developed/"uncultured"/shallow because I struggle with music alot. I can only listen to music if I'm doing a activity, it I sit down and try to listen I feel genuine pain, which makes it hard for me to pay attention to lyrics.

It's also hard to pay attention to the lyrics since:
1) They never feel worth it to pay attention to, especially the more a song sounds good, (for some reason it seems like no song can accomplish both). Ex: I had a genuine terrible time with rage against the machine and Daughters because the sound completely negated any enjoyment I had paying attention to their lyrics.
2) It seems like when listening to a song, all you're actually suppose to do is feel and not think about it much, basically the song being nothing but a vibe machine, (I'm basing this off of a study where 70% of people listen to music to just remember the past). Which is extremely contradictory to how people talk about music, (especially music nerds).

So is there any ultra master peace albums/songs you guys can recommend that can completely change my opinion? To make it easy to recommend, I mostly listen to anime and video game music, with random pop songs here and there.


what music do you like, maybe a genre you gravitate towards?


I don't know if this is going to be your style at all but I really like the lyrics on this album. Very creative and personal. The real life story is Marvin Gaye got divorced from his wife and the judge said that he had to give her the proceeds of his next album as alimony, so he made the album a dedication to their failed marriage.

I don't know if you've ever been in an a relationship or ever known someone in a relationship but you'll find something to relate.


Just realized I can't play it through my VPN.


your entire attitude about being “introduced” through some specific thing mechanically recommended to you is itself uncultured and shallow. if you never cared, don’t bother


Yes, taste will always be the decider in the end not theory.


Very energetic songs. To materialize it more, I'm a big fan of pop, but most genras seem to work if approached well (Like I hated country but the devil going to georgia song was enjoyable).

Cool song, I guess since I already know what the lyrics are about, I didn't enjoy it much. Sounds gay I know, but in my defense the american schools ruined poetry for the same reason.

Stupidest fucking response I've ever read.
The idea that there is:
A) Being recommended songs by the members in society instead of it being drip fed through casual observation is something "mechanical" is fucking moronic since both are adapting based off dynamic change of taste, aka processes. B) The unculture comment is highlighting me being unconnected from society, the only way for to be triyn to reconnect to society is unconnected is if there was an alternative motive to it. It's almost like you're literally just saying words without no understanding.
C) The fact that you'd get elites over the most mundane thing that is recommendations is fucking embarrassing, and shame to >>4582 for fueling such faggot-ed behavior.


these r both kind of hilarious issues to have with listening to music. hope u find a cure to your autism anon. this is a really unhelpful response though so here's a song you can try at least https://youtu.be/wddlkQXU8ww


also I think part of your issue is that you view lyrics as just a storytelling device instead of a musical one. really they can be as meaningful or meaningless as the artist wants them to be. the vibe of a song is a rly important thing to pick up on and sometimes the lyrics will only be there to supplement that vibe. I don't blame u though cause yea poetry in american public school fucked up liking lyrics for me for years too.


Yeah. Well just giving you a different view. I don't like "choose your own adventure" vague art stuff. "What do you think it means." It's about the emotional depth the words carry. I guess vague lyrics work better for people to project their own ideas onto but I'm more of a voyeur I suppose. I'd rather just hear and feel people clearly selling me their raw emotions and experience.

>but in my defense the american schools ruined poetry for the same reason.
>I don't blame u though cause yea poetry in american public school fucked up liking lyrics for me for years too.
I'm curious what you guys mean by that.


Death Grips


well the school system (in my experience) really prioritizes analyzing meaning in writing, poetry included, which kind of sets up that you have to approach lyrics the same way too every time. it's not really accurate to the real world. sometimes people write or say shit without much meaning and i think that needs to be taught more lol


Most of my music doesn't have lyrics.


Forgot to update my thread:
I've decided that I'm just going to wait until I turn 30 to get into music, it'll give me something to look forward.
Granted I'm also planning on getting into poetry and fiction-books when I turn 30, so maybe 40s.

Either way, never touching this board again.


Just find stuff that makes you want to dance, it's that shrimple.
<anime and video games music
try disco/city pop


My friend is like you, all of his knowledge of conventional music comes from guitar hero and rock band, and he mostly listens to jrpg music.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with it, he shows me some bangers https://youtu.be/fH6bAdmZgnk and I show him some bangers https://youtu.be/N3A8uNG3GH4


>please shovel a taste for music down my maw for me
<To make it easy to recommend, I mostly listen to anime and video game music, with random pop songs here and there.
Awful thread


You have to be mentally deficient


Metropolis - Teatre


don't even bother at this point, between your sealed shut mindset and your tragically apparent brain damage, you're too far gone


File: 1689104911440.png (100.52 KB, 497x600, ClipboardImage.png)

If you want to understand the music properly you have to start with the classics and work your way to modern pop music. There is too much cultural context and symbolic layering to hit songs like "I kissed a girl and I liked it" that you simply cannot grasp until you have first reckoned with the likes of Mozart.


>To make it easy to recommend, I mostly listen to anime and video game music, with random pop songs here and there.
Whut games? If you like Mario music I recommend getting into jazz fusion. If you like Final Fantasy music I recommend progressive rock.


Hi, I'm OP, came back to this thread a week ago, and had alittle giggle.

Turns out, in >>4577 ,
>I can only listen to music if I'm doing a activity, it I sit down and try to listen I feel genuine pain, which makes it hard for me to pay attention to lyrics
That was because of my ADHD.
Interestingly, I felt that same pain when trying to play Apex Legends, 2 months ago when I was winding down for the night. Had to drink a monster to play more of that game. God I wish titanfall 3 happened instead.

Anyways, cumtown ended, and I'm running dry on video essays, so I'm trying again, just going as far as I can until something sticks.
This post: >>8718 ironically helped.
Listening to (downloaded bombastic fighting) classical music playlists was nice, so I'm listening to more.
Img rel is the last 3 discorgaphies I've went through in a few days, (I can listen to stuff at work).

I haven't used this board since my last post ( >>8074 ), I even blacklisted the link with ublock origin, (had to manually type the board name).
I'm only posting for the one weirdo paying attention to this thread, (if they exist!).
Also, I'm not planning on posting in this thread again, so I'm not bumping it, (put sage everywhere to make sure).

Sorry to these posters:
My anger with:
>>4581 and >>4582
>Anthony Fantano
<his fans
<his look alikes
<his fans looks likes
>Tiktok music accounts
>and others (generally indirect)
Should've been discarded, and instead I should've engaged with your guys' suggestions.

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