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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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music memes that make u smile and maybe even gigle and on the off chance even howl like a hyena




based karl



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wojakshitters creating the most honest to god unfunny, flopping meme you’ve ever seen


>Meme 2.
Weird and I don't get it. Ableton is used by people who own a million hardware synths? I've never seen that connection before. People who were that into analog would be using pro tools or recording to magnetic tape. I always felt ableton had more a connection with the digital EDM scene.

>meme 3

I'm not as big Weezer nor a modern rock fan but I certainly like them better than most of their contemporaries.

Don't understand enough about the other memes to comment.


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Oh I love Pavement!


Ableton is aggressively marketed for MIDI controllers and keyboards and is preferred by live musicians because of the advanced Session View (hence the name Live)


You're just agreeing with me and saying the opposite of the meme. Those are obviously hardware synths not midi controllers.


Uh it interfaces with hardware synths too


duh, but the reason there is more than one because most of them or all but one are hardware synths retard. Even if the hardware synth can send midi and be used like a controller they have more then one keyboard because they are taking analog sounds from the keyboard. C'mon man.


Or I should say not just hardware synths but indepedent ROMPLers they are taking they recording the analog sounds out of. Either way these are devices that they are using to record audio signals out of, not midi controllers, even if they have a port to send midi.




>breaking bade, he make the chemico, heh


>is the guy in the meme



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lil uzi vert is ass though


yeah imagine respecting hip hop for lyrical content. couldn't be me


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do you listen to pavement





is that moot?



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hail satan




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Why did they make Pol Pot goated


im guys


castro beats the fuck outta the othe playlists


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lmao hitler playing kanye west, that's some good foresight


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File: 1708961132353.jpg (96.93 KB, 1170x1067, media_GHPBdnNWcAAx4MD.jpg)

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