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File: 1650652834889.png (771.69 KB, 600x600, ALGORITHMcover.png)


Asking for a friend.
Genre: Industrial synthwave


I like the art but maybe try the text being smaller, all in one line, and at the bottom?


It looks repulsive. If that's what you were going for then I guess you succeeded.


get rid of the text


File: 1650675351383-0.png (1.86 MB, 1536x1536, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1650675351383-1.png (3.44 MB, 1500x1461, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1650675351383-2.png (1.34 MB, 900x900, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1650675351383-3.png (3.01 MB, 1500x1500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1650675351383-4.png (2.07 MB, 1016x1024, ClipboardImage.png)

Pretty cool.
I agree with these. Do something cooler with the text. The text looks very basic and uninspiring. You don't have to focus on extreme readability because it's mostly about the art.


The text is actually fine, though if it were me I think I'd take it off. The basic look works great, depending on aesthetic and/or how good the music is
see : crystal castles

Making people want to listen to the music >= aesthetic/what the music sounds like > genre for cover art personally. So this doesn't do much for me but I may click on it if it were to pop up on my youtube randomly.

Final verdict : decent - good.


and how do you make people want to listen to the music genius


Is this a serious question? Obviously by making it look good and using intriguing artwork. Using the back of a protein shake bottle for cover art isn't really interesting or would probably make people want to listen, but a picture of a hot girl would.


I agree that something shoukd be done with the text.
Maybe like a shadow or some other effect to make it mesh with the image more


>Do something cooler with the text
>something shoukd be done with the text
you misunderstand me
i think there should be no text at all


File: 1650678060150.png (61.38 KB, 570x451, ClipboardImage.png)

Obviously it should be changed to Word 97 WordArt text


File: 1650678331570-0.png (911.59 KB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1650678331570-1.png (269.65 KB, 592x592, ClipboardImage.png)

Look at all their releases or press where they do have their name written. They always do something interesting with the font.

Yeah I understood that. I'm was just agreeing it looked bad. There is a lot of reasons he may want some text on it.


I whipped this up real quick


I like it kek


>Look at all their releases or press where they do have their name written. They always do something interesting with the font.
That's Interesting in the most minor way. You could do the really do the same thing without the double effect


Jesus, *You really could do the same thing without the double effect


File: 1650680196975.png (557.29 KB, 512x512, ClipboardImage.png)

Ok cracked up something quick just as a demo. I could (and you should) play around with just the text for hours. Don't slap dash the graphic design. It looks simple but there are still a lot of variables and ways to give people a feel for your music before hearing it just as much as the art. (of course I'm just taking a stab in the dark off of what his name and title plus his described genre was)


made a couple


File: 1650680383545.jpg (605.75 KB, 1680x1050, gybe.jpg)

I'm a pretentious fuck into album art with minimal/no text.


There's something to be said that simple/no text is mysterious, I agree.


Do you get that text effect by turning the text into a smart object or whatever then making it a clipping mask and pasting the original onto it?


I'm actually on mobile lol. I made a text layer and duplicated it like 3 times and put a different effect on every layer and tweeked a slider until it looked cool.
I'm sure you can do way more with adobe software


Damn I don't even know what most effects do lol


App name? lol


ibisPaint X


File: 1650718341634.png (650.36 KB, 512x512, ALGORITHM02.png)

First off, thanks for all the replies.
The text has always been secondary to the cover art, but I will be messing with it. I always approached the text in a utilitarian fashion of as long as its readable then idc if its a little basic.
based and I totally love those kinds of album covers too, but I kinda do want some text for this release.
Second one looks awesome as fuck.


If you want to be underground elite influential the image there is your cover


Its done. Its released. Enjoy. Thank you all again for your help and input. X)

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