ITT we talk about anything related to punk, hardcore, and any subgenres of punk and hardcore.
>>80Top kek! I'd say it's rock but with some punky sensibilities
>>86 >>88GG was the egoist overman that Stirner foretold.
>>85They were religious rastafarians with all that would entail. I heard firsthand that Dave from MDC got in a fight with H.R. because of his reactionary views back in the day.
left_communismLeft Communism >>1261I really like the sound and energy of Crass and the related (Centro Iberico) bands in general however much I might disagree with their positions and choices sometimes. (and most of them admit today their politics were often incoherent - see )
>>1254I think Crass were pacifists but ate homegrown meat and Conflict were the vegans and down for smashie-smashie but don't quote me on it.
There's a good, though a bit flawed article about the of the early british anarchopunk scene, deals a lot with crass as a springboard to delve into the existential crises of counterculture - walking the tightrope between culture jamming and recuperation:
<Consider this, Crass were primarily a punk band when it came to the business of releasing records. Even though they used records to get the message across, they used records because they were established as a band, a punk band, and so could influence a pre-existing sub-culture called punk that was maybe open to the persuasions of anarchism. This sub-culture also bought records from other punk bands that were tied to other (major) labels (such as the dreaded EMI) and so the independents and the majors needed each other to help a sub-culture grow. The majors certainly needed the independents, not least of all to sign their bands or get new ideas for their own ‘manufactured’ bands and so prevent punk from going too stale as a commodity. The independents also needed the majors because major labels could produce and package and promote fine punk (form) records which would then induce (via NME, John Peel, or whatever) more record buyers to punk, of which a few of these will be interested in the form of punk to such an extent that they will buy the less polished independent records. By opening up such an audience to punk, it is assumed that a smaller fraction of these newly created disciples would become interested in punk (content) and so, via bands like Crass, become devoted to the anarchist cause. So, in theory, independent producers, musicians and propagandisers such as Crass depended on major labels (to some extent) for a musical credibility and also (to a lesser extent since it is a fraction of the above) for anarchist propaganda credibility.left_communismLeft Communism Sedes - "Sraka Praptaka" (more or less "Toilet - Shit of a prehistoric bird"). Sorry for spam and bad English, I'm kind of drunk right now.
fabricati diem, pvnc.
>>1313Thanks anon, that some good shit.
Not sure if this counts, but No Means No - "Rags And Bones"
>>1262I fucking hate this band. They are part of the handful of individuals that were responsible for one of the most detrimental turns in hardcore punk, creating a straight line towards its co-optation and quite nearly its death. And for what? Emo? The most shallow fucking music I've ever heard. Basically pop songs about purely subjective teeny chart-friendly topics like "love" and "hurt" but in a fake"""punk""" aesthetic format.
Why would you listen to this after getting interested in punk? Emotional hardcore / post-hardcore / emo is punk revisionism, driving forces being capital forces of sellout Labels and tacit support of the state / venues for their pacified behavior (and it started and spread from Washington fucking D.C.).
>>1331Yeah why not? As long as it's not fake shit! Those are some nice bands anon thx
>>139910/10 would pogo
left_communismLeft Communism >>1628Considering it isn't punk, no.
Make a separate thread for it.
>>1679How did I forget Avskum? :(
I always want to recommend "Imperiet" (coz I think Thåström is a fucking genius when it comes to writing lyrics) but nobody understands swedish.
Strange how nobody posted Sin Dios yet. This one goes out to all the homies who didn't make the migration to the superior
Let's hope they find their way back home some day
Live here my whole life
Probably come to die in this town
Live here my whole life
Never anything to do in this town
Live here my whole life
Never anything to do in this town
Live here my whole life
Probably learn to die in this town
Live here my whole life
Nothing to do, sit around at home
Sit around at home, stare at the walls
Stare at each other and wait till we die
Stare at each other and wait till we die
Probably come to die in this town
Live here my whole life
There's Kerosene around, something to do
There's Kerosene around, she's something to do
There's Kerosene around, she's something to do
There's Kerosene around, we'll find something to do
Kerosene around, she's something to do
Kerosene around, set me on fire
Set me on fire, Kerosene
Set me on fire, Kerosene
Set me on fire, Kerosene
Set me on fire, Kerosene
Set me on fire
Kerosene around, something to do
There's Kerosene around, find something to do
There's Kerosene around, find something to do
Kerosene around, find something to do
Kerosene around, she's something to do
Kerosene around, set me on fire
Set me on fire, Kerosene
Set me on fire, Kerosene
Set me on fire, Kerosene
Set me on fire, Kerosene
Set me on fire
Kerosene around, she's something to do
Kerosene around, now what do we do?
Jumped Kerosene, now what do we do?
Jumped Kerosene, now what do we do?
Kerosene around, nothing to do
Jumped Kerosene, now what do we do?
Never anything to do in this town
Never anything but jump Kerosene
Never anything to do in this town
Never anything
Jump Kerosene
Set me on fire, Kerosene
Set me on fire, Kerosene
Set me on fire, Kerosene
Set me on fire, Kerosene
Set me on fire
<a onclick="highlightReply('7002', event);" href="/hobby/res/6995.html#7002">>>7002</a><br/>Not any more than any other cultural activity. I'd say punk is about as minimally counterrevolutionary as you could possibly have as a cultural movement not inherently tied to a political party. Though squatting, having fun and playing music of course isn't going to <em>bring</em> the revolution. That does not mean that the culture isn't mostly anarchist, involves a lot of great people, cultural avant-garde, people who would show up to beat up nazis and/or riot when a national bourgeoisie does something reactionary. <br/><br/>[b]<em>Dada, surrealism, punk, situationists, détournement, anarchism, autonomism!</em>[/b]''''
<a onclick="highlightReply('7016', event);" href="/hobby/res/6995.html#7016">>>7016</a><br/><span class="quote">>regular punk</span><br/>Post-punk, punk jazz, folk punk, and no wave<br/><span class="quote"><br/>>hardcore</span><br/>Post-hardcore, noise rock, crust, D-beat, NYHC, beatdown, grind, powerviolence, early emocore, screamo, and crossover thrash.
what about these guys?<br/><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>>>4666Punk was from 1976-1995
Anything from 1996 or later is NOT punk
“punk” is just a bunch of LARPing middle class kids with pseudo-nostalgia that think they have the hidden secret of “punk” that no one else understands
Reply with more of this, if you know of grind bands on a similar trajectory:
progressive/technical grindcorePSUDOKU - Space Grind [full album]: - EPiphany FULL EP (2015 - Technical / Progressive Grindcore):>>4866While we're riding on the edge between hardcore and extreme metal here (as grindcore does):
Death metal is identified generally as being a little less intense and notably "heavier" (i.e. less fast, less blastbeats) than the identifiable grindcore approach.I vastly prefer grindcore for this reason. Nothing ever comes close to the
intensity of grind
unless we're talking entirely different musical approaches like noise/industrial, but then we're exiting rock and entering electronic music.
>>4666Phil Spector: a rock music producer who became a celebrity in his own right, worked with many of the biggest names in the business. He invented the 'wall of sound' technique.
Also had a frightening habit of brandishing firearms around other artists. Dee Dee Ramone of The Ramones said Spector pulled out a gun on him during a recording session. During a different recording session John Lennon made a joke to defuse tensions when Spector pulled out a pistol.
Spector's wife Ronnie Spector of the Ronettes said Phil Spector imprisoned her in their mansion during their marriage and ruined her career.
In 2003 Spector shot actress Lena Clarkson in the mouth. After conviction for second degree murder he spent the remainder of his life in prison, dying in 2021.
According to court documents Spector underwent treatment for bipolar disorder. He may also have suffered brain damage from a head injury in a serious car accident in 1974.
>>5316this is funny af considering he gets typecast as hard-boiled cop in almost every noteworthy work of copaganda the past 2-3 decades
he played the main cop character in new jack city the same year which this was recorded which is like pure copaganda
Sniffin' glue, sniffin' glue
You found out what you're missing
Sniffin' glue, sniffin' glue
It's better than kissing
Sniffin' glue, sniffin' glue
You found out what you're missing
Sniffin' glue
Sniffin' glue
Ha, ha, ha, ha
Thought I'd get my head into that tip
Then I'll have a sniff then I'll sniff it again
I got to get away from this concrete high rise dusty sniffin' glue
'Cause I'm sniffin' for pleasure
Sniffin' for kicks
Sniffin' for a lift
Sniffin' for a buzz
Sniffin' for fun
What can you do about it?
Sniffin' glue
Ha, ha, ha, ha
I can see something that you can't see
I can do something that you can't do
I can do see something, I can see you
Sniffin' Glue…
>>11209They’re a fun band if you are just starting to get into punk.
You’re basic but I forgive you
>>12249 (me)
Man, if modern punk rockers are too scared to offend others and incelcore artists are Christian conservatives who hate gay people then punk is so over. So, so over… 😢
>>12298After some research you may actually be correct, Negative XP's paleocon views aren't the norm and there are some queers and women too, though I haven't seen any socialist artists. Plus Negative XP's views are already controversial within the scene. His music is still funny though, death of the artist is in full force here.
This song sux tho, it's the corniest song he's ever written. Why is he Christian if he wants to be an edgelord anyway? Christianity is a hippie religion, never understood why edgy conservatards believe in it, Christian edgelordism is a contradiction (and so is KKK's "positive" Christianity for that measure).
>>12249conservative punks suck ass but they're not incapable of making good punk (musically) you end up having though is properly aggressive and cathartic musicianship backing capital punishment and "BIGGER AND BETTER BOMBS". which sucks ass and isn't punk. obviously
>>4947Its shitty pop-punk.
Here is trve russian (soviet) punk.
Unique IPs: 95