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"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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How are Brits so good at pretending to be Americans?

>This our new single, it did very well, thank'yah, they know it!, in America, and we hope it does as well over here.

It's jarring here the difference between their speaking and singing voice.

Electric Light Orchestra playing Srange Magic live in 1976, anon you read my mind.

As for Brits sounding American, Ive noticed this as well.
Not only that, they ca sound like theyre black bluesmen from the South.

Brits have no genuine contemporary culture of their own. Everything is ripped from their former colonies.
Their best cuisine is Indian or Caribbean.
Soccer teams are filled with African or Middle Eastern immigrants.

Music is white Ameeican rock n roll.

File: 1683141035710.png (153.91 KB, 383x213, most evil wrestler.png)

>Brits have no genuine contemporary culture of their own.
I've thought about this a lot, and I think it;s because any new idea which arises from ordinary people immediately gets consumed and replicated for a global audience by capital. The problem then is that it gets codified and canonised, which means changes aren't allowed, as it will stop being x and become something else.
Grime is one genre of music which is pretty exclusively British, although the process I explained above is beginning to happen to it now as it becomes mainstream.
One problem with looking for the "authentic culture" of a particular place is that what you end up finding are examples, but what you're looking for is an essence. No matter how many examples you find, you'll end up thinking "is this all x culture boils down to?"
Also, let's not pretend that Americans are any better.

>Also, let's not pretend that Americans are any better.

Well duh , where do you think lil Yankeeland got that from?
Old mother England.

As for the rest of your post, idk what youre trying to say. But I do know that alot of contemporary British culture is borrowed from other nations.

The high class culture of England relies of French art magazines, classical music made by Austrians, Prussians, or Russians.

English white ethnicity itself is made up of Germanic ancestry. Or Celtic.

>As for Brits sounding American, Ive noticed this as well.
Not only that, they ca sound like theyre black bluesmen from the South.

I've always thought of this when listening to The Animals. What causes this phenomenon?

they probably practiced.
also remember, alot of old stock white america were scottish, irish, and english.

their dialects and accents have inlfluence

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