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/music/ - Music

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Does anyone else not here the bass in most songs that are supposed to contain bass? Am I retarded or something?


It's entirely dependent on whether it's actually being played through suitable speakers for a start, maybe you're just playing it on some shitty standard speakers when lots of people have woofers


That may be it. But can you hear the bass in this song? www.youtube.com/watch?v=-J1A3XMoKTk


Yeah it's not that noticeable though, punk guitar is mostly chords that match with the bass so if you don't know what to listen for it just sounds like a guitar. If people are commenting on the bass in that for some reason it's probably just bassists wanking themselves off.


It's a common joke that punk bands wouldn't notice if their bassist stopped playing.


1. your sound system is bad or faulty
2. your hearing is bad or damaged
3. it is the mixing of the song to be that way
4. the file is a very bad transcode
5. the musicians intended it to be that way


Thanks you guys, this is really helpful!


You can't hear the bass that much because it's mixed pretty low and it's just doubling up the lead guitar.


To add, that's why more sophisticated music uses techniques like counterpoint and etc.


Notice how the different rhythmic elements only line up sometimes on the bass notes. The bass also occasionally plays different improvisations and melodies in the empty spaces.


I can hear it pretty clearly, but it doesn't really stand out in the mix unless you listen for it since it's just doubling the root note of the guitar chords. To an average listener it probably just sounds like guitar.


Ok, OP here, I now know why. When I heard what I think is the "Guitar" its actually the sound of the Guitar and Bass combined. They basically act as one instrument.

An examples is the song Bitchin' Camaro, they just play the first string for major barre chords, the second string for minor barre chords, on the same fret as the chord.
>Bass https://youtu.be/ibd9dRX9KBk?t=125
>Guitar https://youtu.be/ufxXRdUT_UY?t=2

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