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/music/ - Music

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Arctic monkeys is cringe and gay
Even if you like them, you have to admit it


Tropical penguins


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Checked and Kekked


Ive heard them called "male manipulator music" before


They have one good song


What does that mean?


the fuck is an arctic monkey


Which song is that?





Yeah the monkeys are gay. I admit. But so am I. Who cares.


Burger hands wrote this post.

Why just last night me and friends were reminiscing drunk talking about the drinking cider in the park and listening to arctic monkeys days.

Good days them.


Huh this one's bretty good anon, thanks for sharing


>le song with sexy lady cartoons is le good one


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>>le song with sexy lady cartoons is le good one


Burger here who's listened to them since their first album. I had two other friends I introduced to them who became huge fans, I also had one friend who said (forget who he was comparing them to,) "bands that can actually play their instruments, unlike Arctic Monkeys." He like shit like Dave Matthews Band, Foo Fighters, Tenacious D and etc. Never really heard anyone else talk about them.

I think Fluorescent Adolescent is their best song off the top of my head. Perfect sad nostalgic, dreams of youth feel. Also 505. I haven't listened to the later albums as much in depth tho even though I like the direction they went with the sound. I don't even listen to rock music anymore, only RnB. On that note I really liked Star Treatment. I'd definitely listen to a whole album of that.


I say this and look like this


That it's the type of music that guys who manipulate women listen to. Not sure how true it is though


Based. I still think, actually, on balance, I Bet You Look Good On the Dancefloor is their best song. Just still bangs.

Mardy Bum cos, y'know girlfriend strife n that.

Fake tales of san francisco funny song about hipsters. They really have a lot of bangers though


Weird I just remembered this thread this morning and then just now I see a new Monkeys song in my youtube recommended.

Pretty cool. Got the Mellotron flutes I think(strawberry fields) and the beat and rhythm sounds like some breakbeat/trip hop


I am the OP of this thread and I randomly go to the music board for the first time in a month and its the top thread. Wierd.


Find it odd burgers would be into them tbh, the songs are so british, at least the early ones


this is good also


I heard of them on NPR when the first album was out. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

I saw them for free on The Jimmy Kimmel show back in 2007.

But yeah you're right they are very British. I think I wanted to live in Britain back then. Glad I never I never moved there.


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>I saw them for free on The Jimmy Kimmel show back in 2007.
>that was 15 years ago.


>I think I wanted to live in Britain back then. Glad I never I never moved there.
I was just thinking wanting to move to Britain/Sheffield because of being an Arctic Monkeys fan is like all the Euro Wu Tang fans that want to live in Long Island lol. I didn't actually want to move there because of them but still.

I was into a couple brit artists back then.
Dizee Rascal

Was into dubstep before Skrillex-step became a thing(I met Skrillex one time at the Glendale Galleria). Was into Jungle like Conquering Lion.

These days the only Brit band I'm into is Average White Band. Sage you need to return to your Scottish roots and make some Blue Eyed Soul.


What's an arctic monkey

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