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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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Holy fuck these frogs could groove
Daft Punk well-known hits/deep cuts/collaborations/solo work appreciation thread ig


Big fan of the extended version of teachers, crazy to think that as Daft Punk, the only songs not on an album they released were that drive single that leaked like a decade ago. 4 albums, some remixes, and those tracks on the greatest hits album. Their old solo work is great too

That was nice.

Been a minute since I listened to Daft Punk but ya theyre good. Check out the Alive 2007 concert once you've listened to the studio albums for sick mashups
Justice is another good electro band out of France

something about us and voyager were probably my fav tunes by them

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old, but gold sets:
"Daft Punk - Sankeys Soap"
"Daft Punk - Essential Mix, BBC Radio 1"
"Daft Punk - Essential Selection Special Edition Hotmix"

ian pooley better

Unique IPs: 7

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