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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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Is this style of music based, in that it's Indonesia's predominant prole music genre? Also they're such bangers.


Incredibly boring.


I like it, OP. Are there traditional instruments you use for this genre? especially curious about the percussion, it sounds nice


you couldn't do a basic search?


guaranteed most proles in indonesia just listen to western style music


Depends. Working classmen mostly listen to dangdut, those who listen to western style music are either suburbanites or the more urban types


* e.g., construction workers


construction workers are rural?


Only PMC lives in cities, didn't you know?


all 10 and a half million people in jakarta are petty bourgeoisie


Yeah, they come to Jakarta for higher wages, and come back to their Javanese hinterlands every Ramadan. It's called merantau.

Also besides construction workers we also have truck drivers, workers in supermarkets, and other low-income workers. Mostly native.

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