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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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>be me
>hang around R. J. Dio's circle in the late '60s
>tell him "Hey, Ronnie, you should form a different kind of band called Elf, this doo-wop thing is done"
>he forms the hard rock band Elf

>be me again later, in 1975

>"Hey Ronnie, this Elf thing is limiting you, you should join our mutual friend Ritchie Blackmore's band Rainbow I think he has some really cool ideas"
>Ronnie James Dio joins seminal '70s metal band Rainbow, producing such classic albums as Rising and Long Live Rock & Roll

>Be me, 1979

>"Hey RJ, a little band called Black Sabbath is looking for a new vocalist, I think you might be up to the task!"
>Ronne James Dio joins Black Sabbath, rejuvenating his career and launching him into heavy metal superstardom

>Be me

>hang around R. J. Dio's circle in the early '80s
>tell him "hey Ronnie, you should sing a little song called Holy Diver"
>he sings "Holy Diver"

>flash forward 26 years

>be me
>"Hey Ronnie, don't eat those french fries, they look pretty carcinogenic"
>it was the one time he didn't follow my intuition

Who are you, how did you know Dio personally?!

Dio can you hear me, I am lost and so alone

I'm askin' for your guidance. Would you come down from your throne?

I miss Dio so much bros.

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