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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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songs about motorcycles
120 mph rock'n'roll

Don't know if this song is specifically about motorcycles. Heavily associated with them tho.

No lyrics, but the whole video focuses on some badass trick bikers.

it's legit, vidrel is cool too

very cool, this is gen Z culture

More millenial I think. Maybe even Gen-X, I don't know exactly how old Birdy Nam Nam is. Vid came out 9 years ago. Almost a full generation. I'd definitely associate all the 00s-10s French Electro more with millenial or Gen X. I'd probably say the original French House wave(Daft Punk, Cassius, Oizo) with Gen X and the revival with Millenials. Zoomers aren't into French electronic music so much I think.

No, I was talking about the bikers. But you're right, they're more late millennial than Gen Z proper.

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Yeah doing tricks has been around as motorcycles have been around, and sports bikes have been around since the 80s.

I know, but older people picture bikers as riding big Harley cruisers instead of doing tricks on svelte sport bikes.

Are you riding? I've kinda wanted to ride, but I don't want to deal with that level of danger. Heard too many horror stories. People ending up severely brain damaged, people that ended up amputees. No thanks. I hardly like driving my car after it rains, forget a motorcycle traction.

>older people picture bikers as riding big Harley cruisers instead of doing tricks on svelte sport bikes.
thats still most bikers. ever been to south dakota?

Surprised this hasn't come up yet, but I guess Saxon aren't the most famous band. The audio at the beginning is from the Isle of Man TT

The dangers of riding fast are very real but you can still do some low-speed summer cruising on one of those Indian-made Enfields (rented one during my trip and had a fairly good time without ever exceeding 45MPH). IIRC, They only cost $5K new stateside

Poasting Dick Destiny

and poasting motorcycle glam


some chill motorcycle J-Rock

Richard Thompson – 1952 Vincent Black Lightning

Unique IPs: 9

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