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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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Give me the most horrendous, violent and disgusting music you have. I'll start.


NGL I'd just go w/ bops














reddit's answer to OP





I wanna have a bit of irreverent fun doing it


(honestly just wanted an excuse to post this)




>most horrendous, violent and disgusting music
why though? such an occasion calls for joyous music


I don't like killing people so I'm gonna pick this one because it's cold and impersonal.


This to me is much more terrifying than an angry metal song.





i like their other album more




Let's Lynch the Landlord from Dead Kennedys, Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables (1980)

Genre(s): Punk Blues, Psychobilly, Surf Punk | Hardcore Punk, Anarcho-Punk, Satire, Garage Punk



I wonder what you think of Gould's interpretation


I can imagine chekists listening to this








Really got into Brainbombs this summer. The lyrics are some of the edgiest shit imaginable, but it scratches an itch like nothing else.




Unique IPs: 27

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