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Had Gorillaz on the mind, what have y'all thought about the "revival era"?


Demon Days is such an outstanding album it really outshines everything else that comes after it but a few tracks from Plastic Beach. I really dislike their other stuff other than the first three albums.


they set out to parody the idea of virtual artists but instead ended up pioneering it and before long we had hatsune miku and vtubers


I like the newer stuff, but on reflection Humanz was a disaster and Now Now was way too safe. Took until Song Machine for things to really start clicking with me.


"this new gorillaz album is what happens when you ask those 15 year old white kids who listen to those “gorillaz (no rap)” edits on YouTube what they want out of a gorillaz album"


One of the best songs ever written imo


Well, it is called Cracker Island


New album is kinda whack I thought. Damn shame. Love basically every blur album and the first few gorillaz. Recent couple of gorrilaz has been whack generally.

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