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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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The Weeknd sucks
Drake sucks dogshit
Canada should Jonestown ourselves for exporting literally the worst music ever created

Justin Bieber is pretty good though

Another sin to account for

Funny fact, Neil Young and Rick James (who was evading the Vietnam draft) were in the same band in Toronto in the 60s called the Mynah Birds

>Drake sucks dogshit
No shit dumb mutherfucker.


interesting how both the weeknd and Drake bailed out one of they homeboys for human trafficking

>Did Drake Kill X? what do yall think?

i like godpees on your black lecturer

There's good music from up there, but it isn't made by settlers.

>takes a decent house track
>whines like a tiny little baby over it
what was meant

The offspring gud

The Offspring? Looked it up and it's an American band

They came from Canada, but they were made by the US
Drake's entire career was engineered by Cash Money Records, an American record label owned by Universal
The Weeknd released his Trilogy when he was living in Parkdale, Toronto, but everything after that he made while living in LA
Canada doesn't really have its own record industry aside from indie shit

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You forgot the band often called the worst ever: Nickelback. I like Death From Above 1979 tho. Don't know any other canucks. Reminded myself I need to listen to their post breakup stuff more.

lOOk aT tHiS pHOtOgRApH!!

Tim Hecker kicks ass though. either way you didn't decide to put out any of that music so don't be so hard on yourself, you fucking moron

but canada's my favorite socialist country >:(. what will the modern left do without Marxism-leninism-trudeauism? fake leftist

unconditional uncritical support to Canadian land back movements

The one good think Drake did was amplify Grime. The downside though is that Grime now has Drake as a stain on it, which is a bit sad.

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Canadians are super over-represented in American media in general and its just because we're better than you.
if you can't handle us at our worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve us at our best

>its just because we're better than you.
No it isn't you retard it is because canada still funds the arts on a governmental level. Something that went a long long time ago in America if it ever exist in the shithole.. Those pigs are still probably working the patronage system…

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